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Everything posted by knocker

  1. Early-career investigator discovers current volcanic activity under West Antarctica http://nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=129660&org=NSF&from=news
  2. The outsourcing is quite interesting given Australia's huge exporting of coal policy. Why the U.N. climate talks keep breaking down, in five simple chartshttp://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/11/20/why-the-u-n-climate-talks-keep-breaking-down-in-charts/?b
  3. Yes, would be faster of course without the increase in the east. A fine balance with the decrease in the west.
  4. There does seem to slight difference of opinion though. http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/carbonbudget/
  5. Plummeting to new depths: Spectacular ice caves photographed for the first time deep beneath a Swiss glacier Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236330/Spectacular-ice-caves-photographed-time-deep-beneath-Swiss-Gorner-Glacier.html#ixzz2lG8E7D3K
  6. Confirmed: 97% consensus that in utter nutter week there are a few roos loose in the top paddock at WUWT The descent into utter nuttery continues at WUWT.
  7. Since the first major United Nations report into climate change was released in 1990, annual emissions of carbon dioxide from human activities have gone up by 58%. Warsaw's widening climate chasm could lead to 4C warming Scientists say countries attending United Nations climate talks are going backwards on policy and risking 4C of global warming http://www.theguardian.com/environment/planet-oz/2013/nov/21/warsaw-climate-change-conference-global-warming?CMP=twt_gu
  8. Very true Mike but it's quite incredible that one can't discuss the subject of the fantastic moulins and ice-caves, which wouldn't exist without meltwater, without the AGW police exhibiting their usual paranoia. Anyway I'll post the link to the photos leaving out the facts regarding the glacier posted by the photographer in this months Geographical Magazine. Wouldn't want the police to have another seizure. Reminds one of the MaCarthy era. http://welshrandomadventures.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/gorner-glacier-explorations-2013.html
  9. I'm sorry I posted it now but thought it might interest some people. I can't see any AGW propoganda in this at all but it's easily deleted if it offends some people. I'm getting a tad fed up with all this. The point of the post was basically the stunning photography which wouldn't have been possible without the melting and the moulins and ice-caves. Pathetic.
  10. A short history of ocean acidification science in the 20th century: a chemist's view http://www.biogeosciences.net/10/7411/2013/bg-10-7411-2013.pdf
  11. Some perspective from Simon Donner This old post about the quiet 2006 hurricane season relevant to all the talk of change
  12. Good job we are in a cooling period. Globe’s Unbroken Warm Streak Approaches 29 Years http://www.climatecentral.org/news/globes-unbroken-warm-streak-approaches-29-years-16758
  13. I've posted the paper in New Research although not strictly necessary Old and new warming in the Eurasian Arctic and denier weirdness at WUWT Baited breath doesn't come into it. Keep still my beating heart. As usual the comments from the foot soldiers displays wisdom and insight.
  14. Eurasian Arctic climate over the past millennium as recorded in the Akademii Nauk ice core (Severnaya Zemlya) http://www.clim-past.net/9/2379/2013/cp-9-2379-2013.pdf
  15. Graph showing daily Arctic sea ice extent since June 2002, 18.11.13 http://www.climate4you.com/
  16. 2013 Greenland melt summary just out http://polarportal.dk/fileadmin/Images/polarportal/saesonrapporter/2013/Polar-portal-season-report-EN-2013.pdf
  17. http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/76448-scepticism-of-man-made-climate-change/page-39#entry2839924 Oh the wonders of skeptic magic never cease to amaze me. Almost like a double fudge without the cream. No warming in Arctic since 1998, dubunks AGW study to get rid of the "pause", says Keith New paper finds warming has also 'paused' in the Arctic; debunks warmist study that claimed to get rid of the 'pause' Says the blog. Problem is I ask myself how can a paper received on the 17th July 2013 and finally be accepted on the 22nd October 2013 debunk a paper published after that date? The answer is of course, magic. Actually the real answer, If you read the paper, is that the authors are using reanalyses referenced in the paper when saying extreme caution should be used and nothing to do with the C & W paper which again has been looked at in some detail in the post above. Anyway the direct link to the paper discussed here to ensure no debunking, or even dunking to go with the fudge. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/11209/2013/acp-13-11209-2013.pdf
  18. Some more thoughts on the C & W paper. http://moyhu.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/seasonal-trends-for-infilled-hadcrut.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  19. For those who study the science of aerodynamics the albatross has long been a, well, albatross around the neck. This is a seabird that can fly 10,000 miles in one journey, effortlessly traversing the stormiest of seas with barely a flap — and no one has been sure how it does it. Quite incredible http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2509211/Mystery-wandering-albatross-travels-10-000-miles-single-journey-WITHOUT-flapping-wings-solved.html
  20. Oh boy! They really are a sad desperate bunch of scallywags, aren't they. Science deniers use a flawed discarded IPCC chart, but accept Cowtan and Way (for the most part)
  21. For 40 years, scientists thought they understood how certain bacteria work together to anaerobically digest biomass to produce methane gas, important in bioenergy and the major source of greenhouse gas. But now microbiologists in Derek Lovley's lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst show for the first time that one of the most abundant methane-producing microorganisms on earth makes direct electrical connections with another species to produce the gas in a completely unexpected way. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-11-microbiologists-reveal-unexpected-properties-methane-producing.html#jCp
  22. Hanging on to life by it's stumps in Camborne Parish Church cemetary.
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