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Everything posted by knocker

  1. As the storm surge seems to be the main reason for the tragic loss of life some thoughts on Philippine storm surges. http://stormsurge2010.blogspot.dk/2013/11/haiyans-surge-may-have-been-highest-in.html?m=1
  2. Global warming finally reaches the last Arctic region http://grist.org/climate-energy/global-warming-finally-reaches-the-last-arctic-region/ Global warming triggers the loss of a key Arctic refugium http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/280/1772/20131887.full.pdf+html
  3. Tropical Pacific remains ENSO-neutral http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/enso/
  4. I knew it. I peaked at eighteen months. http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/11/inquiring-minds-alison-gopnik-baby-einsteins
  5. You are missing the point Keith. What Watts and Homewood are doing is classic' bulverism'. By that I mean they are presenting an argument that avoids the need to prove that some people are wrong by first assuming their claim is wrong and then explaining why the person, or people, could hold such a fallacious view. As far as I'm aware no serious scientist has stated this is the result of AGW as most normal people are more concerned about the human tragedy that is unfolding Except Anthony Watts and his crew who are trying to pretend this monster storm didn’t happen, and instead, that it was a run of the mill typhoon. It sure isn't that. I'm afraid I find it completely distasteful and insensitive. As a matter of interest I assume you don't believe that 727.60?
  6. Not a problem I did read it as such although my reply doesn't give that impression.
  7. http://astrobiology.com/2013/11/clay-may-have-been-the-birthplace-of-life.html
  8. I don't know about poor Anthony Watts Spark. Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda – another overhyped storm that didn’t match early reports I'll let Hotwhopper and Greg Laden deal with it. http://blog.hotwhopper.com/
  9. From an historical point of view. When South Wales was the copper smelting capital of the world the pollution was so bad it has only been finally sorted in the last twenty years.
  10. Intrusion of warm surface water beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JC008842/abstract
  11. Quite. I'm afraid the scale of the human tragedy emerging from the Phillipines this morning is truly horrific. Unfortunately Dev. I wandered around your link, (nothing to do with climate) but I'm not sure 'idiot' quite covers it. http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/the-holocaust-began-with-gun-control-after-a-shooting/
  12. Indirect Solar Effects Ultraviolet Radiation It has also been proposed that ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which varies more than other solar irradiance wavelengths, could amplify the solar influence on the global climate through interactions with the stratosphere and atmospheric ozone. Shindell et al. (1999) examined this possibility, but found that while this UV variability has a significant influence over regional temperatures, it has little effect on global surface temperatures. "Solar cycle variability may therefore play a significant role in regional surface temperatures, even though its influence on the global mean surface temperature is small (0.07 K for December–February)." Moreover, Shindell et al. found that anthropogenic ozone depletion (via chlorofluorocarbon emissions) may have reduced the impact of UV variability on the climate, and may have even offset it entirely. "Another consideration is that upper stratospheric ozone has decreased significantly since the 1970s as a result of destruction by halogens released from chlorofluorocarbons. This ozone decrease, which has been much larger than the modeled solar-induced ozone increases, may have limited the ability of solar irradiance changes to affect climate over recent decades, or may have even offset those effects." Galactic cosmic rays Henrik Svensmark has proposed that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) could exert significant influence over global temperatures (Svensmark 1998). The theory goes that the solar magnetic field deflects GCRs, which are capable of seeding cloud formation on Earth. So if solar magnetic field were to increase, fewer GCRs would reach Earth, seeding fewer low-level clouds, which are strongly reflective. So an increased solar magnetic field can indirectly decrease the Earth's albedo (reflectivity), thus causing the planet to warm. Thus in order for this theory to be plausible, Solar magnetic field must have a long-term positive trend. Galactic cosmic ray flux on Earth must have a long-term negative trend. Cosmic rays must successfully seed low-level clouds. Low-level cloud cover must have a long-term negative trend.Fortunately we have empirical observations with which to test these requirements. http://www.skepticalscience.com/print.php?r=263
  13. An interesting paper by Frank et, al, 2010 A noodle, hockey stick, and spaghetti plate: a perspective onhigh-resolution paleoclimatology http://cgi.st-and.ac.uk/~rjsw/all%20pdfs/Franketal2010.pdf
  14. Anthropogenic radiative forcing timeseries from pre-industrial times until 2010 http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/22545/2011/acpd-11-22545-2011.pdf
  15. Detailed Imagery of Super Typhoon Haiyan's Eye The Suomi NPP satellite captured an incredibly detailed infrared image of Super Typhoon Haiyan's eye as it orbited over the storm at approximately 05:25 UTC on November 7, 2013. The entirety of the storm is actually cut-off by this and the previous orbit. This situation would normally result in reduced satellite data quality at the edges of the sensor scan. However, the VIIRS instrument has minimal data quality degradation at the scan edges, resulting in such highly detailed images. http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/MediaDetail2.php?MediaID=1453&MediaTypeID=1
  16. I read the article in WUWT yesterday and I was going to post along these lines as I was disgusted that he was using an unfolding human tragedy to score, or an attempt to score, cheap ideological points that as usual are without foundation. It's typical of the moral bankrupcy often shown on the site, especially by the literati. Just one example and by no means the worst. TomRude probably dismisses any expert in meteorology and says: November 8, 2013 at 12:28 pm It’s been a long time since Jeff Masters could be taken seriously… I'm a little surprised that so many of the literati are allowed internet access. Anyway HotWhopper seems to share my feelings so over to her. Ignorance & callous indifference from Anthony Watts for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, just to protest global warming! http://blog.hotwhopper.com/2013/11/ignorance-callous-indifference-from.html?spref=tw
  17. Andrew Dessler tweets. Didn't we already know this? Like 20 years ago? Or was it 40 years ago? No Proof That Cosmic Rays Cause Global Warming, Study Says http://www.livescience.com/41047-cosmic-rays-global-warming.html
  18. Dr. Richard B. Alley, a geologist and professor of geosciences at Pennslyvania State University, stated this during his narration on the DVD documentary, Earth the Operators' Manual: "(During the Cold War in the 1950s), the U.S. Air Force needed to understand the Earth's atmosphere for communications and to design heat-seeking missiles. At certain wave lengths, carbon dioxide and water vapor block radiation, so the new missiles could not see very far if they used a wave length that CO2 absorbed. Research at the Air Force Geophysical Laboratory in Hansom Massachusetss produced an immense database with careful measurements of atmospheric gases. Further research by others applied and extended those discoveries clearly showing the heat trapping influences of CO2. The Air Force did not set out to study global warming, they just wanted their missiles to work. However, physics is physics. The atmosphere does not care if you study it for warring or warming. Adding CO2 turns up the planet's thermostat." http://www.climatebites.org/climate-communication-metaphors-and-soundbites/skepticism-credibility/credibility-who-to-believe/when-in-doubt-ask-a- heat-seeking-missile
  19. Top Climatologist Slams Science Magazine For Getting The Extreme Weather Story Very Wrong
  20. China spreading its influence in the Antarctic. Where is it not? Polar power playhttp://www.economist.com/blogs/analects/2013/11/china-antarctic
  21. Streuth, just come across Lord Monktons Rap Sheet. Must be on the FBIs ten most dangerous. http://bbickmore.wordpress.com/lord-moncktons-rap-sheet/
  22. One is reminded of South Africa after the Boer War when hundreds of Chinese were brought in to work the mines..Went down a treat with the Cornish. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24658756
  23. Arctic Ocean circulation patterns revealed by GRACE http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00013.1
  24. knocker


    Attempting to clear some space in the midden came across some photos I took years ago.
  25. How ocean currents affect global climate is a question oceanographer may be close to answering http://www.news.fsu.edu/More-FSU-News/How-ocean-currents-affect-global-climate-is-a-question-oceanographer-may-be-close-to-answering Closure of the meridional overturning circulation through Southern Ocean upwelling http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n3/full/ngeo1391.html
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