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Everything posted by Hughsey

  1. Being in cambs I am in a pretty prime location for once, looking forward to seeing some snow
  2. I hope we get to defcon 9 (sorry for those who have to travel)!!
  3. Glad to see an amber warning with "5-10cm widely in the amber zone", want to see it go red though. Everything still looking good, roll on the next 48 hours .
  4. Same here but wasn't expecting anything.Good to see we are still on for snow, NAE looks good and MO going for heavy snow 9pm till 3AM and light snow till 6AM sunday morning, now that we are within 48 hours I am getting a little excited, could still not come off for us though.
  5. Few showers getting going and wind direction looking good for the region so will be keeping my eye out this evening for some snow though similar looking scenario to yesterday. Things still looking good for the weekend, would love to see 5cm or so of snow with temps staying very cold. Wow -3 already tonight, chances of -5 or -6 in some places across the region this evening.
  6. Lol saw this on netweather radar as well, clearly an error, but was like wtf.
  7. Good post and vid from the meto http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2012/wintry-weekend Although annoyingly the warnings are down, possibly updating, or perhaps this is there way of not having to commit to the weekends weather, just say the warnings are broken.
  8. As expected, the meto have updated to show region wide snow on saturday night, starting to get slightly excited now, although it could still go pear shaped.
  9. And the snow shield holds again, lol, at least the weekend is looking good!
  10. let us know if any snow starts to fall please, anything that hits you should hit me.
  11. Radar looking good, showers starting to pep up albeit light showers, nothing at Peterborough yet but hopefully within the next hour if the showers dont fizzle, looking interesting
  12. Current Temp: -1.6°C High Temp Today:3.3°C at 1:33pm Low Temp Today:-2.9°C at 7:51am Dew Point: -7.5°C Wetbulb:-3.4°C Humidity:64% Temps still falling, with dew points rising (from -8 , humidity on the up (60% to 64%), and a few light showers starting to form, good signs.
  13. Yes I believe so, I think that the feature was forecast by BBC to hit the UK with the chance of disruptive snowfall, but then the models decided to scrap that idea, is a possibility I think.
  14. A few blobs appearing out in the north sea, good sign IMO, whether they develop and move in land is unsure, but worth keeping an eye on. Current Temp: -0.9°C High Temp Today:3.3°C at 1:33pm Low Temp Today:-2.9°C at 7:51am Dew Point:-7.9°C Wetbulb:-3.0°C
  15. Wow feeling very chilly out there today, looking forward to radar watching over the next couple of days to see if we can get some snow showers. Currently 2 degrees with -7 dew points.
  16. Yeah I was referring to thursdays snow risk, the weekend has the potential for some serious snow, but I won't be getting my hopes up just yet.
  17. Yeah those models showing snow for the east on thursday but I am not sure, haven't found the precip charts to be very accurate at all lately. Will be worth watching the radar though, would be great to see a covering, its certainly cold enough, just need some precipitation.Fingers crossed.A rather cool -1 at the moment.
  18. After some snizzle earlier the radar is looking very dry now. Temps really falling, down to 1 degree with -3 dew points ATM .
  19. Lolol I have decided not to bother watching the models tonight and just hope for the best. They are so isolate ATM that chances are we won't see anything more
  20. Sorry to say mrsf that south of Peterborough has seen some snow as well. Had a 10 minute snow shower, wasn't really heavy enough to settle but hopefully some more to come tonight.
  21. Lol same, just so long as it happens in the day, worst thing is waking up to find out there has been very heavy settling snow in the night but it has already melted and turned to slush.
  22. With a temp of 3 degrees and -0.5 DP, conditions are quite good atm but obviously no showers around and doubt there will be any around tonight. A larger shower has fired up in the wash so will be interesting to see how far this one gets inland before fizzling out.
  23. Interesting: Quite a few wintry shower symbols around the east coast over the next couple of days, looks like the chance of a dusting of snow for some near the coast tonight
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