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Everything posted by NorthEastSnow

  1. Not sure I want to listen to the met office warnings, other than stating the obvious Ice, yesterdays warnings were way off the mark, loved to be proved wrong though.
  2. As the start of winter goes we couldn't ask for much more really after the past few winters. Freezing fog now and snow on the ground, Defiantly makes it feel Xmasy for once.
  3. Going to be a very cold night, I cant fathom the Met warnings the showers wont make it inland due to the wind pushing them back out to sea, Places like Scarborough etc might catch a few like Gizzy said.
  4. Seems we have another snow/ice warning for tonight, I thought going off the radar the showers start going back out to sea or is this a radar error, Not complaining mind so let's hope it happens. " Issued: 09:53 (UTC) on Fri 1 Dec 2023 Wintry showers will affect North Sea coastal districts of England and Northern Scotland during Friday evening and overnight. These are likely to fall onto frozen surfaces in places allowing icy patches to form. Additionally, showers will fall as snow inland, with 1-2 cm possible in places, chiefly over hills. What should I do? Snowy, wintry weather can cause delays and make driving conditions dangerous. Keep yourself and others safe by planning your route, giving yourself extra time for your journey. “ Wouldn’t want this shower hitting me anyway. Although lots of white stuff might come from it
  5. Most places seems to have done very well. nothing has laid here yet again... how frustrating lol. Radar seems to be very quiet now for a good few hours.
  6. Big snow flakes here but seems very wet so not putting a layer down yet. needed this shower after dark it’s just wayy to wet. Edit : This is more like it. Hope we get more of these passing through tonight
  7. I know a say it every year but why does Hartburn / Stockton areas always have a channel of dross, always in the clear path when showers pass all other areas, Has to be some scientific reason.
  8. Hoping this next clump of showers actually hit here and I can enjoy some of the white stuff... my guess it will be sleet by then Even Plymouth has more snow than me.
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