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Everything posted by saintkip

  1. The worst posters are the I told you so lot. It’s very easy to predict the weather in winter just say mild and wet and you’ve got a 95% chance of being correct.
  2. I had 4 days straight where the temperature didn’t get above 0 that is a proper cold spell for here but not one flake of snow which made it all very dull
  3. The final short term downgrade to no snow has happened, gone from possibly 20cm to completely dry and people saying upgrade, it’s not really, most people want snow not frost.
  4. Cold and dry, already had a spell like that and it was pointless, I’d rather a couple of days of snow then warm
  5. If Saints can beat city then anything’s possible, two foot of snow in Basingstoke next week
  6. They are hopeless, for some reason people hang on there every word as if it’s gospel. They change as often as the models. Best prediction for UK winter especially the South is mild and wet.
  7. -7 here, can’t wait to clean windows in this, will be freezing on glass until about 11am. This cold spell is a nightmare.
  8. Looks like Southampton is gonna get a pasting soon, unfortunately looking at the radar it’s south, north and west of me and a nice little gap in the precipitation.
  9. That would be a dreadful way to end the cold spell, not even a snow to rain breakdown. A week of harsh frosts which for my job is a nightmare.
  10. Does this mean we don’t want cold now? If it does I’m not sure we can do anything about it.
  11. Why is your Sheffield average so much higher than the CET zone average? Surely Sheffield should be lower?
  12. Since 2009 I’ve had numerous big snow events here, before that you’d have to go back to the mid 90’s for anything interesting. I know the world is warming but every time I see a scientific report on no snow or higher temps in the near future the graphs go off the scale after about 10 years instead of a steady decrease/increase.
  13. I saw the BBC report and was annoyed by how dumb downed it is, apparently the sea around Svalbard is getting much Hotter, that’s one word no one uses when describing the sea around the artic circle. Sensationalist.
  14. It was the hot too hot but I’m now missing it as I come to terms with 6 months of working outside in the cold
  15. Had the log burner on last night, lovely I’m gonna try and only use that this winter my wife and kids will hate it as they hate getting in cold beds but I find nothing better. Snuggle up
  16. Off to Cyprus on Friday to escape the heat, just 6 degrees cooler than Basingstoke.
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