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Everything posted by craigore

  1. The ppn band Looks to be losing intensity now and shifting course.. Might lose our continuous 13 hrs of snow band by looks of things.. I'm just greedy . Want more..
  2. Well what a day. Non stop snow all day.. First ice day for a few years as well Have about 8cm 3 times that in drifts. Oh and yes it's still snowing. Current temp -2.2 All roads covered as well so a treacherous night to be driving. Looking forward to opening them curtains in the morning. Roll on day 2...
  3. Looks to me like the streamers are showing signs of lining up already..
  4. Relentless in Manston. Turning more showery but heavier.. -1.7 now
  5. I've got 5 inch icycles now on conservatory roof.. Not seen since 2018.. Currently minus 1. Just need the sun to set now and it should plummet.
  6. Not true I'm in Ramsgate/Manston. Been below freezing all day this far.. You cant get mch closer to the sea than me..
  7. Hasnt stopped in Thanet all day so far. Mod/heavy. Temp never rose above 0c. Kind of want it just to get dark now so it all stays and freezes up..❄
  8. Great day so far. 6 cm so far , not complaining as it's the best since 2018. Walked dog and had snowball fight wth wife and son. Biting wind , sideways blizzard. Hasnt stopped since 7 this morning. Took a while to settle I think because of yesterdays rain and temps. Will freeze up nice tonight though.. Temp 0.0c Still snowing moderately..
  9. Best snow now since 2018.. If it continues it will better it.. Just been looking at temps out till Sat , this snow isnt going anywhere in a hurry other than sun melt and were not due to see that till Thurs maybe Friday.
  10. Really picking up in intensity now. Blowing around to very near blizzard conditions. -1.2c Garden and roads all filled in now wth approx 3cm and growing..
  11. Yeah its settling on all surfaces but painfully slow build up. Would take a lot more and heavier to get anywhere near 10-15cm But shouldn't complain as it looks beautiful.
  12. Temp -1.5 now and still dropping. Mainly light/moderate snow. I'm in the Amber warning zone but trust me when I say we will not be seeing 10-15cm widely at this rate. More like 1-3 . Hope I'm wrong but it would really need to pick up intensity..
  13. Just a bit concerned the band that arches back to holland is already fragmenting. Doesn't fill me wth confidence that this will be an all dayer.
  14. Moderate snow continues in Ramsgate/manston Now sticking to every surfurce....
  15. Moderate snow now Settling on roofs , cars , grass but not on roads and pavements. Think yesterdays 9c warmed all 5he concrete.. Upside is it's now minus 1...
  16. Just not getting heavy enough ppn to drag down them temps. The echoes in the n.sea are nothing special . Unless I'm missing something where is the the heavy stuff? Temps around freezing now.
  17. Can confirm snow flakes in Rsmsgste being blown in by a gale force wind. Temp reading 0.0c But ground wet
  18. That's a shame. Miss his knowledge. Doesn't he come here anymore ?
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