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Everything posted by J-Me

  1. 4th 'lot' of thunder so far today. That cell out to the North of Kent has been producing distant deep rumbles for the past half an hour and within the past 5 minutes the frequency has increased. Can't quite ascertain what was producing it before that one moved closer though!
  2. Been having a few flashes and not so loud Thunder here near Margate for the past 10 minutes. Very hard to tell whereabouts its coming from though as the flashes seem to be coming from all around. Current temp is 16.5 - quite a rapid drop from 18.8 at 2am.
  3. Had torrential rain similar to that during a storm last summer about 7:50pm tonight. After around 15 minutes of the rain not holding up there was a crack of thunder followed by a few more as the rain subsided across the following half hour. It was quite sharp and I did see a fork to the east of me while at work in Broadstairs. The surrounding roads on the way home were flooded in places - very intense.
  4. Had some Thunder and Lightning early hours of Friday morning and again in the past few minutes (2:25am) theres been a loud crack of thunder. Haven't seen any lightning but my freind told me 3 hours ago he could see flashes in the distance despite there being no cloud!
  5. Theres some infrequent flashes and growls of Thunder up here in East Kent. Been hearing it for the past hour but thought it was wind blowing down the chimney.
  6. Lightning off to the East here after a couple of very heavy downpours. Even seen a couple of CGs in it too - no thunder however ...
  7. Got quite heavy rain starting up again here and just had a rather loud rumble of thunder too followed by a quieter rumble a few moments later - hadn't heard anything before this today.
  8. There was quite a few nice CGs and ICs from that storm that rolled in across Margate a couple of hours ago although it died as it reached the coast bringing nothing more than torrential rain. I have to say that cloud formation was fantastic - Its been a long time since I've seen a storm like that (probably because its usually dark when we get them)
  9. Wow I'm quite surprised - a quick look at the radar before bed revealed Home has been thrashed by storms. I'm having a lovely quiet time in Plymouth feeling pleased I remembered to unplug EVERYTHING before I left! Hope whoever had storms enjoyed them - nice to see a wider area other than just East Kent getting them for once.
  10. I've spoken to a few people at work today and most managed to sleep through the storm. Strangely these are all from Margate/Broadstairs – 3 – 6 miles further East than me so perhaps it wasn't so bad on the furthest point. The local news website reports how the storms kept the fire services busy, including the worst fire being within my village. SouthEastern Trains were reporting on their website early this morning that a late Charing Cross - Ramsgate train was 90 minutes late out of Dover due to "Signalling Problems" - quite often this happens down in that area as it usually bears the worst of the storms. I noticed on the bus to work that the Westgate golf course (2pm this afternoon) had a new and rather large Water Hazard; even this evening after a very humid day many large puddles are still evident along with wet looking soil. I think the most amazing thing about this storm is how it went from being miles away for well over an hour, to suddenly being 6 or so miles away with the next increment less than a minute later being overhead! I unplugged the dish cable + tv cable from the Sky box, plus unplugged the mains on the TV and computers aswell as the phone line - not often I have to take such extreme precautions as the storms aren't usually that bad. The moon earlier in the evening changed from the usual white colour to a really deep red as the high cloud coming up from the south started to cover it; never seen anything quite like it (except during rise/set and eclipses of course) I did manage to get a couple of photos (hope that link works) although it was incredibly difficult due to the sheer volume of rain pouring off the gutter in front of the window as well as the rain hitting the window itself. I certainly won't forget that storm in a hurry - especially how quickly I closed the patio door when two strikes side by side came down not too far ahead of me.
  11. Theres still quite a bit of lightning to my East and North East, infact theres just been the loudest rumble of thunder ive heard in a while! The radars do look like its dying and a deluge of rain is on its way.
  12. At St Nicholas at Wade roundabout head straight across following A299 along to Manston. Alongside the runway heading towards Ramsgate is a layby over on the right near a turn off for Sevenscore - you would get a fantastic view out from the South East, South and West there as its high up. Theres still thunder here - distant but it seems to have pepped up slightly in the past 5 minutes
  13. May be of interest if anyone can get it to work (very sporadic) is the Rye Harbour Webcam - right in line of those about to hit the south coast Webcam I just saw a flash on there so it is possible. My mother lives just up the road from there and hates storms so I bet she's well pleased! I'm still getting occasional flashes to my East here so it hasn't totally gone
  14. Those cells to the East are rather strong but they seem to be missing East Kent. I keep seeing the occasional CG due East from here with growls of thunder along with a lot of distant lightning to the North. I reckon Essex must be having all the fun now!
  15. My internet is up and down like a lady of the nights undies and I have absolutely no reception whatsoever on Vodaphone (usually full + 3G) - mind you with the noise and proximity of some of the strikes I'm surprised anything at all is working here.
  16. At last - I was starting to think one of us is mad. On a quiet night I can hear train horns as they pass through Minster from my back garden - you really aren't that far away. Been and emptied the flower pots into the water butt - lets see if we can fill them again shall we? First big clap of thunder in about what - 15 minutes. One other thing - its so humid I feel like I'm melting here - 19.3 outside and rising, apparently
  17. Uh-oh - thunders just started getting nearer again and bright flashes to the East and South East as well as the distant ones now out in the North Sea - surely not again?
  18. You amaze me - Birchington has just been kicked in the face by tropical type rain. I haven't seen rain like this in ages - I don't even think last summer had anything like this. I have 2 large flower pots on the patio that filled with gutter overflow in just under 5 minutes!
  19. I got some runner beans transplanted when I got home earlier so the rain would 'water them in' not wash them out of the bloomin garden! Things are finally quietening down ... thats what I said last time til the second storm hit straight after.
  20. been under earth shaking storms since just before midnight - even now theres terrific booms of thunder and the rain ..... wow.
  21. Been sitting out in the garden and saw a fork of lightning over towards Ramsgate/Deal - the thunder coming from that direction is sounding increasingly unfriendly. The wind has also picked up quite a bit - such a lovely cool breeze after a hot day.
  22. Theres been high level lightning from my South round to my East for over an hour now and its starting to get bright. To my South I can see the towering clouds being illuminated by the lightning. Just heard the first distant thunder from it!
  23. Just had quite a short little storm over in Broadstairs as I left work - torrential rain and a few rumbles of thunder. Saw a fork of lightning towards Ramsgate as I walked across the carpark in heavy rain and bright evening sunshine!
  24. The lightning is still going to the South East of me, but also I've now seen a few flashes to my South too - can't hear any thunder now so I really can't tell if its intensifying.
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