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Everything posted by ItIsGee

  1. NE NNE direction, NW radar shows a few hours left of snow. nothing mad unless it develops like liverools snow did!
  2. I wouldnt hold your breath yet! nothing really heavy but stuff on its way!
  3. on Netweather radar snow looking to intensify slightly, more reds than yellows!! GOOD SIGN!
  4. this snow is now coming more from and easterly direction or are my eyes decieving me?
  5. I think the Derby game will go ahead as they have underfloor heaters etc. all depending on the roads etc looking at the animation on the NW radar, seems to be intensifying slightly to the NE and will be heading SW and coming over my house! Did anyone else have probs connecting to Forum?
  6. looking like its moving VERY slowly South west or even SSW. wish to be in bristol tonight with the snow under a red warning by METO
  7. some serious snow expected from METO http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/
  8. rain and sleet ehre, has been for the past 18 hours too!what happeened to the meto warning for heavy snow?!!!
  9. not snowing yet here in middleton but a few lightning strikes! Mad!!!!
  10. The edge of the showers is in sight and I am prepping for a lovely shower! should last a bit!
  11. Looks like another pasting is coming towards the Manchester area and those before it! Good lucky everyone and I want pics!!!! screen grab from radar shot!
  12. streamer is keeping its strength for now..... lets see how it goes
  13. just een watching the track and the activity of the streamer. the first band of showers started to die out as soon as it touched land. Will this one do the same?
  14. I heard you! I have been watchign it too as wellas working and stuff! trying not to get distracted! In Manchester here, south for work Middleton for home! this could get interesting!
  15. news on rockradio just said we are forcast for heavy snow for the commute home Thats what i thought but its the only thing that makes sense!
  16. Lets hope that are right and We can enjoy soem more fluffy white stuff! but more to the point we want TONS of it!
  17. METO got heavy snow warning for Gtr Manchester and surrounding areas for next couple of hours!, NOT A CLOUD IN SIGHT HERE!!!!
  18. http://www.thisisderbyshire.co.uk/news/Tornado-believed-Littleover-afternoon/article-1536667-detail/article.html Can anyone confirm or another hype?
  19. nice storm in manchester a tthe moment! nice larger hail than normal!
  20. I am now leaving the no storms club after Mancehsters efforts yesterday morning!
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