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Everything posted by Sungirl

  1. I use weatherfamily.org with my location. I think if you googled weatherfamily and your location, something will come up?
  2. On the subject of horsemeat... Does anyone else think it is just coincidence that 'hamburgers' is an anagram of 'Shergars bum' ? Food for thought... I heard this from My Lidl Pony.
  3. I think a few of us are in grave danger of being in trouble for going off topic!
  4. That wasn't quite what I said! lol and I think he missed the post and now he is at the pub so he will miss this one Temp still 1.3c here - has been for over an hour. Still got flakes falling but I can probably count them as they are very slow, and floaty! Seriously wish I knew whether I have to go to work tomorrow... If we get a big fall, or the kids' school closes, I can stay at home but if not, I should go to work... Wine is opened and I would love to stay up superlate until SSIB gets back from pub the proper snow starts falling
  5. gottolovethisweather... what is it doing in newbury now? I'm not too far from you so i am always curious to see what is hitting you as, often, we get it soon after.
  6. Quite large flakes falling here now but falling very, very slowly and not settling yet.
  7. Put them up then (actually, i'd quite like to see a pic of you wandering the village in your dressing gown )
  8. Sounds like fun I'm in PJs already, fire burning and glass of wine in hand Lets party
  9. (Hello Severe Siberian icy blast - I was wondering if Ian had been on too) Currently 1.3c here and we have had little snow flurries all afternoon! Really hoping for a good dumping of the white stuff overnight. The school has sent out an email saying they will let us know by 8.15am if the school will be closed due to staff not being able to get in... Unfortunately the teachers are stubborn buggars that appear to love their jobs so I think they will risk life and limb to get in, but fingers crossed for a snow day! I can take the kids to the office for a few hours if necessary and then we get to make snowmen and play on sledges I like the idea of putting all our ice cubes outside to lower the temps I'd be happy to decant my whole freezer contents if it would help!
  10. We had a dusting about an hour or so ago. Tiny flakes. Looked more like somebody had sprinkled washing powder on the paths It's so frustrating not knowing how much we are going to get over the next couple of days. I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to get to work on Sat... arghhhhh If this were a midweek event I would be delighted!
  11. Thanks for the info on DP and WBs - I love how the people in our area of the forum are friendly and helpful
  12. We got a good accumulation on the cars this morning when I got up! Lots of lovely, very fluffy snow. I've not known snow to be that fluffy before The trees looked beautiful on my drive to work. Then we had a period of snizzle (love that word) before lots more big lovely flakes which fell for a couple of hours! Very pretty to watch. Very little has settled though. Pavements and roads just wet. It is currently 1.6c now with a DP of 1c and Wet Bulb 1.3c (would love to know what that means )
  13. Not *THE* Fenton? Can anyone please tell me how to add my picture to my profile please? x
  14. currently 1.8c here in bracknell and dew point -0.6 - wet bulb 1.0c we had a few flakes a couple of hours ago but not enough to write home about, sadly. Sky isn't looking too promising atm - white but not looking full of the white stuff! (yet)
  15. Temp dropping pretty quick here. Down to 2.6c now with a DP of -0.2c. please can someone remind me the relevence of the DP? (i learned all this last winter but forgot ) TY
  16. We have 3.1c here, 35% solar (alledgedly!) and white skies... I haven't been on here since the last cold snap so i've no idea what your thoughts are for snow in our region - I'm off to catch up on the last few pages of posts! We had some snow yesterday but it was mostly sleet and sleety rain. Was still nice to see though.
  17. I've just had a message from someone in Maidenhead who says it snowed there about an hour ago!!! I have asked for more details..... Maidenhead is only 18 minutes drive from me
  18. Durrrrrrrrrrrrr Sorry! Thank you for the updates then! ... and do you know if that applies to me?
  19. Hi Ian I am further east than most on here (Bracknell) so does this apply to me too? Many thanks for your updates
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