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Posts posted by therecoil

  1. This is the second time we have had snow laying this winter, the last cold spell this January was the first time my 3 year old had seen snow and we found a sweet spot up on the downs with about an inch and a half and she sledged for the first time in her life! So I feel happy this Winter that finally my 3 year old believes in SNOW!!

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  2. Remember its all about the dewpoint


    you have more chance seeing snow in temps of +4 & -1c dewpoint than if it was 1c T & 1c DP out-


    As the band arrives the temps will drop- with us seeing a wintry mix before become more of sleet & snow as it moves through.



    Overnight there is a band of sleet & snow swinging SE across wales into our area- this could well bring a covering.- track uncertain...



  3. Defo sleety dno

    really ?? I'm in the office right next to Camp Town :-) and I saw diddly squatt, not only that but the Dew points here are way too high for snowfall, currently the closest reiable station in Shoreham has our Dew point as 3.1 and the temperature as 7.1, not even close to support snowfall :-( Defo sleety snow, I'm on top of a roof putting in 2 ton of Steels in Rock place and the little groupel settled on the steels for about 3 seconds before melting , freezing up here!! Ha
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  4. That sounds like a good idea..What area is that and how big is the house?

    my brothers house is in Kalmar and its a 3 bed with  just underhalf an acre, heres the website he found it on ,www.maklarhuset.tv  for 27000 krona, he loves it there , we saw a farm for sale last time for £130k with 30 acres and 4 barns and a 4 bed farm house , mental prices!! good luck

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  5. well seeing as i have moved to Guildford I guess it won't snow here any time soon - usually avoids me. Having lived in Lancaster, Cumbria and now Guildford in the last ten years I have experienced proper heavy snowfall twice.



    tempted to go back up to north west where im from to catch it all up there.

    it its snow you are wanting?  and wanting to relocate ?then  i would avoid the UK altogether and move to  south east Sweden where my Bro has just  bought an amazing  house for 22k?? he has hot summers and a mtr of powder snow in winter (proper snow) and free access to a community Ski hill with button lifts, and no mortgage, amazing!!!

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