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Posts posted by tadpole

  1. Hope your plants pick up soon. I can't remember the name of it at the mo but there is something I buy 4 sachets for £1 water once a year and the plants seem to thrive even if I have to use rock hard London water. I discovered it during the drought a few years ago. I'll pop to the shed tomorrow and find it. Can't let the weather get in the way of gardening.





    Only it's cheaper at the 99p store if you have one near you


    Thanks Tadpole! Yes hard London water isn't ideal for the garden! Your vegetables are thriving, cucumbers already! :shok: How are the water melons? Pretty cool out tonight!


    Water melons are happier now it's hot but I don't think they liked the cooler nights I forgot to cover them.


    I've had a lovely time in the garden in the sun. Looks much tidier now but the squashes are trying to take over everything.

    It's hard to beat a warm summers day pottering in the garden listening to the birds in the trees and watching them in my birdbath and on the feeders.

    The swifts were out on training flights again, the baby birds look bigger now and my neighbour cats have learned I have a hose at the ready to soak them!

    It's hot sunny days like this that remind me that the British summer can be nice. Although I'm concerned that the Silver Birch trees behind my garden have their autumn colours already!  Autumn can naff off 'till October.


    It's 24c in the bedroom, I'm off to find my fan.

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  2. Things aren't growing well in my garden despite me watering them! Tap water doesn't seem to agree with them, so rain will be appreciated here too! Not sure how long the unsettled spell will last!


    Hope your plants pick up soon. I can't remember the name of it at the mo but there is something I buy 4 sachets for £1 water once a year and the plants seem to thrive even if I have to use rock hard London water. I discovered it during the drought a few years ago. I'll pop to the shed tomorrow and find it. Can't let the weather get in the way of gardening.I picked my 1st outdoor cucumber of the season tonight and the last summer raspberries, both early this year and I have blackberries turning red already! 


    I have the next 2 days free and I'll be in the garden  :yahoo:  Thank you JP for the updates, much appreciated. Now if it could be dry on Saturday till 3ish I'd be so happy! It can rain after that.I hope all this early fruit and the reports of early autumn behavior of some wildlife doesn't mean an early winter. That won't make for a happy Tadpole 

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  3. I think you may have another chance tomorrow! Failing that, the weather is supposed to change at the the weekend! Are the water melons growing well in this warm weather?


    They look OK but still not putting on much growth but I have forgotten to cover them a few times at night. I'll be pleased if I get one from them, just to prove you don't need a greenhouse to grow them in the UK. I have a £1 bet with hubby and I'm a sore loser.


    Even a mini storm would be good tomorrow. I don't like the oppressive feel in the air, London air is bad enough with the pollution anyway with out feeling it being held around you.

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  4. At least they turned up, did they say they would arrive between 7am and 7pm? Sunny day here too, eventually, still 16c outside!


    One was booked between 2pm-4pm and the other 12- 7pm. 1st one arrived at 11am just as I did and the other at 8.45pm. I got a refund on my premium paid for delivery slots. It was a long day by time I drove back to London.


    Been lovely weather today though, my plants are happier as am I. Speaking of which I'm off to water them.

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  5. I hope it is sunny tomorrow for you on the beach! Wow, your mum lives near a nuclear power station! :shok: The sun has finally broken out now here...........a bit late! 17.9c


    Yep, Dungeness power station. She lives at Greatstone, with a bungalow that backs onto the beach. She has sand dunes not grass when you open the back doors. When people visit Camber sands on the other side of Dungeness they are often unaware how close they are to it.But it's a great area to watch storms coming over from France even if they don't hit there because you can see for miles up and down the coast. 

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  6. Hi Tadpole! Looks like we are stuck with what we have got for a while longer! Increasing amounts of sunshine are forecast! The garden can do with some rain though!


    Hi lassie, well more sunshine is always welcome especially for my watermelons, squashes and the rest of my dinner in the garden.I'll give my lungs some fresher air tomorrow as I'm down at mums on the beach. Always nice clean air there, well, it feels it but I'm never sure being that close to a nuclear power station is good for you. 

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  7. After a cloudy nothing type day I have a bl**dy cold night! sitting in my winter fleece PJ's with winter fleece dressing gown and winter slippers on. 14.5 in my living room is not acceptable for mid June especially as Friday was so hot and sunny. Where's the summer gone? when is it coming back? will it come back? and more importantly will by watermelon plant be OK under a bottle cloche which is under a fleece tonight?

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    Hi tadpole! If it stayed as only drizzle, then that's not enough for the garden and you were right to water! If you live next to an open space, that's even worse isn't it! Inconsiderate so and so's, they tread on anything, trying to get away, just missed my plants! They both saw me but still came into my garden right up to the windows, to get to the lowest part of the fence, to get away, which was a bit frightening! I can't believe someone was hiding behind your compost bins! Were the butternut squashes okay? :) Wow that was a lot of windows you left open! Small ones high up are okay, the downstairs ones are a bit risky! :)

    Weatherwise, had some drizzle this morning, but much fresher outside today! 18.6c at the moment, was 27c a couple of days ago!


    Yep the BNS were fine  :) Bit much them coming so close to you goes to show they do it regularly.

    I've been a good tadpole and gone round closing the windows tonight.


    Weather wise it's been a bit of a washout today back to boring gray skies and neither hot nor cold so I cleaned the car and even that didn't bring any rain :unknw:  it usually does.


    Oh well, the warm sunny days were nice while they lasted. I just hope last week wasn't summer.


    Is JP away? I miss his weather updates

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