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severe snowstorm

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Everything posted by severe snowstorm

  1. A properly organised line of ppn now developed out to the West of Wales. I'm assuming that's what the warning is for as it develops and moves N and E.
  2. Yeah, I was based around 160m, but some much higher parts than that in the town and outskirts. Only negative was the blasted shadow effect with SE flows, but that was always more than compensated by decent snow events of the Irish Sea and even some from the East.
  3. Last block of ppn has now cleared through and it was all snow, so that's a very positive sign.
  4. It certainly makes a difference here. I'm only around 8 miles from the Mersey Estuary, but that combined with a small bit of elevation does make a huge difference. I'd still rather be living back in Stalybridge when it comes to snow prospects though.
  5. It's been snowing lightly here again for the past 30 mins or so, that's a good sign for you further inland.
  6. It's an interesting evening ahead. I don't know how much snow we'll see, but two things are certain. First is that the Indian Takeaway is now ordered, second is that it is time to crack the first beer.
  7. Be careful what you wish for. When we had the much heavier stuff earlier here, it turned to rain, after snowing lightly for an hour or so.
  8. I guess the metoffice warning doesn't start until 18:00 and puts the emphasis on later this evening through to the early hours, so we'll have to see how things progress.
  9. Hopefully you are right. It certainly does appear that there is a warm sector aloft given what's just happened and current temps.
  10. Not hopeful now for the rest of the evening/night, even if we do get the ppn here. Metoffice showing heavy snow symbols right through from now to the early hours. We'll see what happens when the next batch arrives. Given the temps and more intense ppn, really wasn't expecting rain after light snow for an hour. Just goes to show how complex it all is.
  11. Wasn't expecting that, heavier stuff arrived and it turned to heavy rain and sleet. Temp 0.1C, dp -1C.
  12. Moderate snow now, bigger flakes as well, starting to look quite good.
  13. Small flakes, but an uptick in intensity now. The yellow echoes on the radar are not that far away.
  14. Very light snow falling here on and off, but what is falling is settling, a very light dusting so far. Nothing marginal here. Some really juicy ppn just to the West of here, be interesting to see what that delivers. Temp currently -0.1C, dp -1C.
  15. Mostly light snow here over the last 30 mins or so, but settling on all surfaces which is a good sign.
  16. Still at -1.1C here. Might have been close to an ice day today if it weren't for the cloud moving in this afternoon.
  17. Yeah, of course. It's the same with thunderstorms in summer, somewhere down the road gets clobbered whilst others wonder what all the fuss was about.
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