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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Well the Medway storm shield has held strong (or at least the one over my house). Just had a bit of spitting, but all the dark stuff has gone to the SW of me and it's blue sky on the horizon. I hope you're right Luke!
  2. I guarantee that as I have to do a lot of driving around today, if we do get any storms I'll miss them.
  3. Based on the Medway storm shield I shall be surprised to see anything.
  4. Got nowt but rain here in the end and even then we only got a brief downpour.
  5. Blimey, the sky looks proper angry moving towards Medway from London!
  6. Thanks Nick. It certainly puts into perspective how much more than good CAPE and LI is needed to light a storm up and explains why we are often frustrated when everything looks good on paper. To add, I'd love to see more of these guides as they are easy to understand compared to many other guides.
  7. Nick, your guides are always appreciated, especially by someone always trying to learn, like me.
  8. I realise I haven't seen Coast around for a while. Is he OK?
  9. Well considering it's supposed to be chucking it down all day here, we haven't had any rain despite the sky looking like it's going to fall on us.
  10. We have that too. Very strange. Dead still one minute then strong gusts for about 30 seconds, then dead still again.
  11. Sky looks beautiful tonight. Blue, purple and pink swirls. Sadly my camera is on charge, so I can't get a picture, but take a look outside.
  12. It's difficult to explain to people. I don't storm chase, but extreme weather makes me feel alive. I find thunderstorms so utterly relaxing and exciting at the same time. It awakens something within me. It is difficult to put into words and I think is something only other extreme weather lovers can relate to.
  13. Once again I take up membership. My eternal hope for a storm is like a puppy desperately hoping for another tummy rub.
  14. See looking outside you'd be easily forgiven for thinking it was about to chuck it down or storm with all the scud cloud and dark skies, but we're getting nowt according to the forecast.
  15. I think the SE used to be very storm prone. I remember regular MCS during the summer months. But now I think the Midlands and Lincolnshire way get far more. I went to uni in the midlands and there were far more storms than back home. Here's hoping the SE gets its crown back.
  16. Jetlagged. So very jetlagged. Can report weather in NYC was perfect, high teens all week. I hear I missed some good storms here in Medway? Or was my Mum just winding me up?
  17. Well I'm currently packing for NYC where I see the weather is going to be much the same as here but a bit warmer. As long as it doesn't rain a lot or be really windy and I don't end up looking like this, I'll be happy.
  18. Some bumblebees looking dazed this morning. I hope it warms up again soon so the fruit and flower yields prevail. As for the storms, I shall be eternally pessimistic this year so I can't be disappointed.
  19. Off for a long weekend in Devon which is looking to be colder than I had hoped
  20. Out of interest, what site do people feel is good for long range forecasts (say 2-3 weeks ahead) for the US?
  21. What a lovely day, although perhaps a little chillier than it looks. Spent the early afternoon taking the new motor out for a spin and through her paces.
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