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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Us Kentians are jaded after being stung so much with almost certain imports amounting to nothing. We don't like to show hope in fear of jinxing it.
  2. Had some lovely mammatus here earlier but seems to have dissipated to a grey blanket.
  3. Looks to be a cold front funnel cloud. No way near as serious as a supercell funnel. There have been a few reports of them recently.
  4. No way that happened. It's been blue skies most of the day. Unless there was a funnel like cloud which I saw near Sheppey the other day despite weather not being favourable. Edit: I see the picture now. Almost identical to what I saw.
  5. Mid July 2013 for me and that was the only storm. Before that it was April 2012 and that wasn't overhead. Last overhead storm was 28th June 2011!
  6. Lots of lovely convective clouds popping up over Essex/Thames Estuary way.
  7. Now I have definitely seen something that looked like a funnel cloud over Sheerness way. However it can't have been, what would make a cloud do that otherwise?
  8. Wow! But standing under a tree? Naughty, naughty.
  9. I would happily do last summer all over again, except with more overnighters. Not that I'm fussy, no, not me.
  10. Ah, the damp, cool boreathon, cousin of the dry, warm, not a hint of convection on the forecast boreathon.
  11. I don't think it's beyond reality to get several hot summers in a row. 95 - 97 were three of the best summers I can remember, long, hot days and thundery nights.
  12. The cat hates the misty rain, which is what we have here at the moment. He keeps whining to go out, so I let him out and he comes straight back in and then moans because he can't go out
  13. The silver lining to the rain is that it does sound lovely under an umbrella or conservatory.
  14. Had a heavy shower for about 10 minutes and that was it. I don't think we've had a correct forecast all week.
  15. Can someone explain to me where this Level 1 from Estofex is coming from. Granted, I'm no weather expert, but the storm risk for the SE is quite low, the CAPE and LI aren't anything like what they were last week, so where is the threat coming from?
  16. Another stormless day. I think most people have had a storm by now. Sigh.
  17. Heavy rain for about 30 minutes and a very distant flash is what we had this afternoon.
  18. I'm supposed to be doing It's A Knockout at Kempton Park today. This could be fun!
  19. It's the Stig! But seriously, to me it looks like someone standing with their back to the camera and the way the sun is shining on them makes them seem all white and black.
  20. *changing details slightly to protect identity* When I used to work on a inpatient unit we would occasionally get a man in who had been hit by lightening when he was 15. He was completely fine except for every now and then as a result of the strike he would have an episode whereby he would 're-live' the strike accompanied with all the physical symptoms and have a complete breakdown for a couple of days and then be fine again and be discharged as if nothing had happened. It was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen, but apparently lightening strikes can do weird stuff to the brain for many, many years after.
  21. I'm not sure I can remember a winter where there hasn't at least been a snow shower that has quickly melted, but this year, that is what we got. Every other year we have had at least a couple of snow days where the snow remained on the ground and in recent years several snow events.
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