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Norfolk Sheep

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Everything posted by Norfolk Sheep

  1. Some moderately heavy rain in the early hours, now clearing away with grey skies. Feels warmer because that wretched wind has dropped somewhat.
  2. Also in caravan but at World Horse Welfare Snetterton! Dreadful NEly/N'ly for 3 days, cold even with June sunshine. Interesting seeing low level cloud racing along one way and upper levels moving more slowly in the other direction. Not that our chances here are any good but v cross as I've lost my brand new Strike Alert, no idea where it is.
  3. If the sun comes out and if you can find somewhere completely enclosed, then it's quite pleasant...
  4. Dreadful weather for June, revolting N'ly, cloudy and requiring several layers including woolly hat. Ridiculous.
  5. Grim, windy and cold in Norfolk. No sign of anything remotely summery and probably barely into double figures on Sunday. The sky is quite interesting though.
  6. Oh look, staggers into Norfolk and promptly dies the usual death. Yawn.
  7. Looks like KL is in the firing ine, however some new activity popping up around Bury St. E, which hopefully has the same northerly track.
  8. If I can be bothered to find out, I may be able to see some distant flashes on the horizon to the SW towards Ely. This counts as an epic storm.
  9. There's a chance I may see some distant flashes on the horizon if I look to the SW towards Ely. That's basically an epic storm....
  10. Looks like the eastward drift is too eastward now, whilst the northerly area is too northerly moving Better luck next time, Norfolk.
  11. Ah, it's starting to look like Area 51 will have a nice display, it looks like it's all moving too far east for anything but coastal regions of Suffolk. To the north of London it seems to be on a more northerly track. Oh well, I may yet be shocked and stunned (there's still June, July and August to claim my distant rumble of thunder...)
  12. Looking at the radar I'm slightly concerned that it's too far east in its trajectory, so could maybe only clip parts of S Suffolk before heading out into the N Sea (where it will intensify and last for about 10 hours...) Best hope is the clump to the north of the main area atm.
  13. Haven't seen anything here yet, probably a good couple of hours until anything manages to limp up to Norfolk....
  14. It's going to be a looooooooong wait for those of us in the extreme East. I'm not yet convinced that the Channel affair will actually "do" anything further inland. Atm I'm just expecting some of the dreaded "thundery rain".
  15. Love to, apart from the 3+ hrs drive No doubt waiting for the mountain etc is completely the wrong idea....
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