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Everything posted by Purplepixii

  1. You've got a good point there SteveB - I remember there used to be some really informative posters and whilst I found some of it hard to follow I could get the general gist of what they were saying. Currently though it does seem like a lot of NIMBYs post there and opposing views are shot down in flames. Hence why I prefer lurker mode
  2. I keep popping into the MAD thread but only to read, never to post as I don't know enough. Man they're feisty in there! I'm right on the south central coast and I fully accept it's a few degrees warmer down here than the norm so I rarely expect to see snow. I think whatever happens happens and I look forward to seeing what that is. (Personally I could do without a cold snap as I have a pond full of frogs mating and I don't want their spawn ruined)
  3. Grotty and miserable in Southampton, that annoying drizzle that makes me wish it would either rain & get it over with or stop altogether
  4. Always installs confidence knowing TORRO have their eyes on an approaching weather front...
  5. Watching that front approach me in Hants and got to wondering if “squall line” is really the proper term as everything I’ve read indicates that they have embedded thunderstorms in them but this doesn’t ?
  6. So if I understand it correctly, systems usually die down when reaching land but this one is intensifying. Consequently, wind speeds are increasing as the storm crosses the country which would explain why the possible speeds being suggested for (e.g.) Heathrow are higher than we were originally led to believe they would be? Also, are we looking at the possibility of a potentially damaging Sting Jet as the system leaves the UK via the Norfolk / East Anglia region?
  7. My sister's just reported heavy rain, large hailstones, pink forked lightning & thunder over Eastleigh. Only 3 sky flashes seen over me so far :-(
  8. Ok that's interesting as ff12 is (obviously) older than ff15. I just tried running it in IE (/puke) and there was a little "split" icon in the address bar that says "compatibility view: websites designed for older browsers will often look better, and problems such as out of place menus, images or text will be corrected". This makes me think that the website isn't particularly up-to-date (software-wise) which is why ff12 (old) can see it correctly when ff15 & chrome can't... And on that note, I am off to bed in the land of no wind or rain and hoping it stays that way for rush-hour
  9. Nope, mine doesn't work either. Scroller thingy at the top is moving across the times but there is just a blank grey box where the image should be. Am running Chrome and everything is up to date afaik...
  10. Rain has stopped here, current daily tally from my rainfall gauge is 29.7mm
  11. total of 24mm of rain here today, is now just drizzly autumnal-like weather with the occasional blow of wind (not enough to call it a "gust" lol). No sferics seen or heard (boohoo )
  12. watching the radar - anyone on Guernsey confirm that the island is still there lol? Seems to be getting hammered by storms!
  13. Temp has dropped down to 17.7oC with 89% humidity. Wind has picked up, clouds are whizzing across the sky and that breeze feels refreshingly cool!
  14. How insulting! Was watching the news & weather actually! :-P
  15. 19.3oC + 88% humidity = thunder, hurrah! :-D
  16. Just lost Sky signal, it's gone so dark I've had to put the lights on. Heavy rain falling and one crack of thunder heard so far... (make that 2 thunders)
  17. Ok the weather is officially wierd! It's been 13oC all day so a bit chilly and there were the earlier storms. Just been outside for a smoke and had to take my sweatshirt off coz it's blazing hot sunshine. Temp now up to 15.3oC and rising. To my east the sky is blue with puffy white clouds but to my west (Southampton direction) the sky is a menacing dark grey and I am 99.9% sure I'm hearing more thunder!!! No strikes showing on the radar so am I cracking up???
  18. Apparently the MO have issued an amber warning for down here but for some stupid *^"%$) reason I can't view it on this netbook. Since my earlier post there have been a couple more rumbles and I wonder if we'll get any more? Hope so!
  19. You're most welcome Sky brightening here now so I think the best has passed but yes, I am somewhere under those lovely pink X's hehehe Edit: hearing a number of emergency (vehicle) sirens going off, don't know if that's a coincidence or not...
  20. The Guardian was right! Intense rain with hail, lovely forked lightning and tremendous rumbles of thunder here for the past 20 minutes
  21. Just had 5 minutes of the most intense rainfall I've seen in a long time. Had hail mixed in and one clap of thunder heard. Seems to be passing on now though Edit: currently stood outside enjoying some fab thunder & lightning, hurrah!!
  22. True Paul however it should be added that the NetWeather subscription service is fabulous and invaluable in times like this and costs peanuts, really!
  23. Phew, thanks Nick! It's horribly, boringly, cloudy down here and feeling quite cool too - 19oC (feels like 20.2oC) with a little light rain so I've also been wondering if it's all over storm-wise too
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