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Jon Somerset

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Everything posted by Jon Somerset

  1. Not quite so bad today. Air is warmer and sun is actually coming out between showers so my SAD is reduced.
  2. After particularly heavy shower passed earlier temperature really dropped and i needed to put heater on temporarily. No sun at all today apart from five minutes at 6.30 a.m. Noted forecasts for next week have suddenly become less sunny and no heat coming my way it seems. Really depressing especially as no holiday this year.
  3. Well at least I got my Thunderstorm fix this weekend. It seems we currently have an extended period of warm early mornings and then vast amounts of cloud. I’m getting grumpy again as it feels the chance of proper summer is getting less and less as the weeks move on.
  4. Annoyingly it appears another front will come over Somerset on Friday - I’m relieved we’re not getting the extremes of the western US/Canada area but I would like another sunny weekend please
  5. I think it’s easy to become fed up with a British summer when we’ve become used to travelling abroad and experienced continental weather, which we only get when plumes come over. Although it’s grey today it was great last week, and there’s more to come. Somerset rain means my garden is being watered nicely and I will enjoy more sun soon.
  6. Lucky to have a 1920s council house here which retains warmth nicely. caught on the edge of the weather system here so grey and cloudy and some VERY minimal precipitation every now and again. No sun for last three days, but no thunder either. Realised I’m missing Med weather as I’m normally in Languedoc this time of the year.
  7. Looking at the forecast until the end of August looks as if that’s it for summer. Too soon to tell for mid-September but I’m having to get used to the idea of a blustery cool bank holiday where jumpers are needed to stay warm
  8. Not one thunderstorm here. Very disappointed- the heat gradually reduced with first drizzle and now more regular rain, but the only decent storm occurred several weeks ago.
  9. Not a sausage in central Somerset and only one good day of storms in the last year. Clouds are bubbling up so maybe tomorrow?
  10. Mid Somerset again providing a pleasant dry day with plenty of sun in the afternoon, albeit a fresher day such as you might expect early to mid May. Still warm enough to enjoy.
  11. Just had the first overhead Thunderstorm of the year in my village. Lovely.
  12. Perhaps it’s been said before, but for me this summer has been remarkable in the differences in weather across various regions, with the differences even more localised than ever. In central Somerset this has been a fine summer since late June. Very little rain, lots of sun and temperatures in the low 20s at worst. I’m as brown as a berry and my garden is pretty brown too. No thunderstorm has come close to my village at all this year so far - just the big ones a week or two ago heard in the distance. I recall previous years coldly watching cloud all day while the east had sun and warmth. Remarkable seeing the lines of rain on radar moving north over specific towns. Regular distribution seems to be a victim of global warming.
  13. Although the air temperature is low 12C the expected cloud layer has dissipated and sun is quite strong, so quite pleasant to sit out despite needing a couple of layers.
  14. I’m aware it didn’t get going for many in the east for several weeks but here in the West Country it was one of the best ever. It started early and June and July were fantastic. But August ended it with a damp squib which was disappointing, especially as that’s when I took a week off. I’m one of those who goes by astronomical dates so for me it’s still summer, and September is doing better than August currently. I too missed thunder. We had a good day in May but after that all thunderstorms stuck in the east.
  15. Next year I’m taking late June off and work through August. We grabbed a nice morning yesterday but most of the time it’s been drab and overcast. Oh well - at least we’re not suffering the severe fires or floods.
  16. For the first time in ages I’m cold enough to need a jumper. Considering putting the fire on as my front room is a bit chilly. What’s the betting September warms up again?
  17. Only reached 18 yesterday in West Somerset/Devon due to cloud and flag. It didn’t rain which was great and views were tremendous- but I’d like a bit of heat back for my holiday. I picked the wrong time to take off.
  18. Disappointing day so far in Somerset with no sign of grey drizzle with breeze stopping despite promise of thundery showers with sunny intervals. Doubly annoying as it was much the same yesterday and it’s the start of my week's holiday
  19. So let me get this straight. No thunderstorms for my area. Rain begins when I get home from work Friday and continues throughout weekend until I go back to work when it turns warm and dry again.
  20. I’m over in the west where it’s not been so hot the last few days. I love the heat. Long evening walks - sunning in the garden - balmy nights. Bring it on. This is the best summer ever. I’ve not been able to take a holiday this year, so I’m overjoyed the Mediterranean summer has come up to us. I know I’m in good health and have friends and close others who hate it and feel unwell, so I’m lucky - I’m also someone who can manage easily in sticky warmth as I’m very happy wearing next to nothing - I get more done and have more energy in weather like this. I’m glad for others that the rain is due this weekend- but did it HAVE to break on my first free weekend at home in a month?
  21. Well I’m enjoying the weather so far. This is the best late Spring/early summer I can recall for some years. Long may it continue.
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