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Everything posted by Juuyoku

  1. It rained a wee bit but now its snowing . Light shower but snow none the less!
  2. Something starting here now. I see the odd flake but it could end up being sleet.
  3. Nice pics, Ronan . There's been sleet over my area on the radar for the past half an hour and absolutely nothing is happening lol.
  4. Temperature here is currently 2.4 degrees and the dewpoint is 1. Pretty dry on the ground outside. Drying up for snow, as the saying goes . Worried it'll be a disappointment all round though.
  5. We've had nothing since that wee skiffle this morning but let's see what this precipitation brings!
  6. The sky has that "impending snow" colour to it today . EDIT - just got dark, the wind picked up and now it's snowing!
  7. A taste of snow on Benbradagh mountain this morning but that's it.
  8. I'm lying in bed here and I think I just saw a flash of lightning out of the corner of my eye, followed by a distant rumble!
  9. Hey everyone, long time no post . This week is looking interesting to say the least!
  10. It was absolutely boiling here today - 25 degrees. I think the wee blip on Thursday/Friday will only be temporary, but we shall see.
  11. Thunder, lightning, rain and hail here at the minute!
  12. 3 degrees with sleet showers all day here. My oil ran out the other day, nice timing . Feel like I'm in an igloo.
  13. I know! Usually if it's snowing there we would get a little too but not a flake today. Too warm here at 4 degrees.
  14. Just rain here! Depressing lol. Glenshane Pass is closed but what's new there?
  15. Just sleet here now, nae impressed. Everybody in the line of the storm please take care and keep us updated.
  16. I think everyone has had the same idea as me today - looked outside and decided on a snow day lol. Not a being about, no one away to school even though no one has a notion if its opened or closed. Just as Ive been typing this Ive began to hear a few gusts.
  17. Is this current blob the last of tonights snow? I can't sleep as I'm constantly looking out the window lol. Half expecting the school here to be closed tomorrow - they have for less.
  18. On their website it says sleet here in the morning, then heavy rain all day. Snow showers at night. Will just have to see I guess. It has stopped snowing here for now. Radar showing sleet. It can stained glass window off!
  19. Still snowing here. Stuck a ruler in the snow (lol) and got a measurement of 6 inches. Hate the fact its to rain tomorrow .
  20. I think I'm snowed in haha. It's been snowing since 2pm with no more than a few minutes break in between showers. Neighbour trying to get his car out and isnt having much joy.
  21. Bit of a crappy picture but this is out the front of my house.
  22. Bucketing down with snow here and its not melting! Good few centimetres now, enough to get a snowman built . Glad I bought oil today lol. Radar is looking tasty.
  23. Sky is getting dark here now and I'm seeing the odd flake. Hope the place gets plastered
  24. Nice pictures Ronan! Any snow we had here has melted away
  25. Snowing like mad here now, place is pure white!
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