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Everything posted by Summer18

  1. Not expecting much in Leeds as we have been on the wrong side of the Pennines so far this month in regards to storms. It feels so humid and sticky this morning though! Currently 23.8C but feels much warmer.
  2. I would say 2010 edges it.. just. I remember the June that year providing warm settled weather but I can barely remember the August from how dreary it was. 2009 seemed warmer than 2010 throughout but was far wetter, both average summers at best.
  3. I agree with mid August. Working night shifts you really notice the difference compared to May & June. It’s still dark by 6am in late August unlike now where it never really gets properly dark all night.
  4. I think 2012 edges it for THAT June, it really was the worst summer month I have lived through. Every Friday seemed to be a complete washout and that Jubilee weekend felt more like November. The rest of the summer wasn’t as bad but that’s not saying much, I personally think 2008 was worse than 2007 but it could be my memory being hazy.
  5. 15 years ago today. I remember it well, a hot and humid Sunday afternoon followed by a massive thunderstorm with monsoon rain and hail in the afternoon. 2005 was a decent year storm wise, we had 3 big ones off the top of my head, one around the early May Bank Holiday, 19th June and also an absolute monster on the 31st of August that year.
  6. Going by old home video footage it looks like we had some heavy snowfalls in Staffordshire (lived there at the time) between the 6th-9th March 1999. Surprising from such a mild winter as it was.
  7. Very interesting to hear these stories of lesser known events that seemed to only effect one area! Another one I have just remembered was a huge thunderstorm that struck Leeds on the 14th September 2006, intense lightning and torrential rain. It even caused a small tornado in the city centre with extensive flash floods. It seemed to appear from nowhere, however I didn’t read this forum or have lightning tracking apps back then!
  8. From Leeds: Best: 1. 2018: Coldish February with a few snowfalls, Beast from the East and the World Cup summer, final few months were a bit drab though (December was rubbish). 2. 2013: Cold January and February with snow (February very much like 2018 But colder), that freezing March and the summer which seemed like such a relief after the rubbish summers of the previous 7ish years. 3. 2010: Coldest year I can remember, the December alone gets this in the top 3, seem to remember the June being fairly nice too even though the rest of the summer was forgettable. Worst: 1. 2012: The summer was so bad and wet this is an easy winner for me. It seemed like it didn’t stop raining from the first week of April until December. Every Friday in June seemed wet and cold. I remember a week in September it rained from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday morning! 2. 2015: Winter 2014-2015 wasn’t too bad here, had snowfalls end of January and it was never particularly mild, I spent a few weeks of the summer abroad so it wasn’t too bad for me. The December was on a another level of terrible though, I remember being in a queue outside a nightclub in Leeds and the wind was so warm it felt more like May. 3. 2017: This year seemed fairly boring really, winter 2016-2017 was a bore fest and apart from June the summer was poor. The October was memorable though with the Orange sun. The rest of the years had their moments, I was going to put 2011 in the worst but loved April and late September so it gets a reprieve. 2014’s summer was lovely here (apart from August) and we just missed out on a white Christmas with heavy snowfalls on Boxing Day. 2016 was fairly dull, however I saw the latest laying snow I have ever seen, April 29th and we had a cracking Thunderstorm in September. The summer didn’t seem too bad either. 2019 was memorable for that hot spell in February and I saw a few good thunderstorms in the summer. September onwards was like 2012 all over again though!
  9. Another snowfall event that was fairly memorable (at the time) here in Yorkshire was around the first week of December 2008. The snow was on the ground here for at least a week. Obviously was overshadowed by the snowfall of the next few years after that!
  10. A couple stick out for me from when I was a kid. One was around early July 1999, I was living down in Staffordshire and I remember seeing the dark clouds looming in the school playground. I was scared of thunder at the time and I was terrified when it arrived! It lasted for around 6 hours after that and I believe there was a tornado not too far from there. It was so bad I actually went from been scared of storms to been fascinated by them! Another was in Yorkshire, late July 2002, it lasted all the way from mid afternoon until around 9am the following day, I have not seen a storm last that long before or since.
  11. Another unexpected thunderstorm I encountered was on the 28th January 2013 after the January cold spell. That Monday was a lot milder than the previous weeks, it struck in the evening and the lightening was a deep blue colour. 2013 was definitely a memorable year weather wise!
  12. Hi all, Long time lurker here, I was just wondering what people’s favourite less well known localised weather events are. A couple stick out for me, one was a thunderstorm we had on the 25th October 2013. It was a very humid day and then in the mid afternoon the skies darkened and the heavens opened. There were multiple lightning strikes and I was working at Leeds Bradford airport at the time and it caused flights to divert to Liverpool. It was all the more memorable because it was completely unexpected! Another fairly localised event was an overnight snowfall on the morning of the 19th February 2011. It was all gone by afternoon but I remember there been a few inches on the ground in the morning. These were both near Leeds.
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