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Everything posted by flagpole

  1. So - say millions and millions of years ago we all started out as the same 'blob'. Haploid variation kicks in and we evolve into different 'blobs'. This continues over the millenia and the 'blobs', thru haploid crossover, vary to such a degree that they are now different species?
  2. That's also around the time Neighbours started! Neighbours causes Global Warming! It's ok, I'm going. B)
  3. So we do nothing? I don't bother turning my mobile charger off, I don't use energy saving lightbulbs, because it's such a teeny amount of energy saved? I'm sorry but that attitude sucks. I'd rather do my bit however small than sit in judgement over those who are trying to help. Paul already said in the grand scheme of things it's only a small amount, he's not claiming to try to reverse AGW. So well done Paul, I'm glad you are doing your bit.
  4. Nobody has claimed this will solve global warming though have they? It is just to offset the forums carbon footprint? For goodness sake!
  5. See this is what puts people off doing anything. Because as soon as they do someone comes along and says, why don't you do more, and when they do they're still not satisfied! You can't please some people.
  6. Would you rather they did nothing? Well done NW! Nice one
  7. Sunshine and clouds but the wind has finally dropped, yahoooooooooooooo.
  8. I now have a mental image of a sheep dating agency run by a man with a white beard :blink:
  9. Two Wood Pigeons who got caught in the rain :lol:
  10. The resizer confused me. I hope it's not too small.
  11. Thunder rumbling away around me. Not seen any lightning though yet. Lots of convection going on
  12. I think PP strengthens the case against Intelligent Design myself.
  13. Oh for goodness sake! Can we not just enjoy summer?
  14. HAHAHAHA! It's thundering already! Wooooohooooooooooooooo! <_<
  15. Shuggee - shows how beautiful a British summers day can be. Mammatus - Simple and stunning.
  16. Pleasant little storm pootling it's way through :lol:
  17. Hi TWS an JH. I am pretty lucky here with storms. The Wolds do play a great part in the weather. Also we have a river nearby that the storms seem to follow. I can also see the planes at Waddington from where I live so the weather there is pretty indicative of what I have Didn't get any more storms after the last report which was fortunate as my internet died. (Storm related?)
  18. Storm number three just passed over! Someone up there loves me :o
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