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Everything posted by Tilly

  1. Hmm.. we havent changed washing powder or fabric softner, no new products in the bath, we have no pets and he hasnt eaten anything different (he has food issues so only eats a handful of things) I've asked the school if there is anything new they have been using or doing any planting etc and they're going to get back to me. He is itching all over with a rash too. Very odd! Thanks for your reply though lovely x
  2. Yeah I hope so but it must be something from school and absolutely no clue what! The Dr said call 999 if it gets worse... always reassuring...not!
  3. God hope you are ok now! Weirdly this has happened to my little boy this weekend too. We are just back from the doctors and she said he is having a reaction to something. His little face is massive... Normal on the left..we have no idea what the reaction is to
  4. morning everyone I hope everyone had an amazing day yesterday! We maxed out with 9.5cm's here. Really pleased with that!!
  5. awww no can you work your Daddy magic and build another head so he can wake up and its fixed? Bloody little sods though whoever did it!
  6. a couple of pics.. our Snowman and the measure so far
  7. He is alot better thankyou, just normal man flu now. yeah its ok, was just wondering. I found a patch in my garden untouched and we're at 8.5cm. Hopefully be more in a bit too as its still lashing down!
  8. alot on the fence had started to thaw! I'll go and have a measure in a mo. It seemed alot deeper out the rec than in the garden. It looks lovely out there doesn't it
  9. is there! Wow I really thought that was it. We might be able to scrape another Snowman/lady together then!
  10. I think we're nearly done here now. Really light snizzle now, blink and you'll miss it. I would'v loved some 50p flakes but you cant have it all. We got hours of snow albiet dust snow and a good few CM's. I'm hoping Willinkent will do the measure for me as we used all the snow up but he only lives a couple of doors away from me
  11. when its all done could you measure for us please Will? I need the depth for the snow cup and we've used all the Snow in the garden
  12. I'll have to come out my front door and wave next time lol!
  13. He looks like a hamster bless him lol.. I rekon it could be mumps. He is happy today though as its snowing x
  14. still going steady but its very fine, almost like dust. I just need people to stop walking out the front of my house...they're messing up my snow
  15. wowzers! its definately picking up intensity. If this keeps going for a few hours we'll have LOADS!! Fantastic Good luck today everyone
  16. A cracking 3mm for me tom. I did inbox it to you
  17. I wouldnt worry, we only have a teeny tiny amount of snow... not even measurable lol! He is very very poorly he looks terrible. I'm waiting for the Doctor to call me back and come out. Thank you for asking xx
  18. hey everyone hope everyone is ok today! When are we having a measure up for snow depths? Is it tomorrow evening or Monday?
  19. Yeah I think il give them buzz if its not improving. He has just nodded off so I'm going to get in some sleep quick hopefully. Kids eh! Such a worry (sorry for non weather talk) x
  20. I'm not sure yet :/ it's freaking me out a bit. My little boy (he is 4) came home from school and looked odd. His face is really swollen, puffy eyes, nose, lips.. Looks like an allergic reaction but even after piriton it's still the same if not worse. He has awful tummy ache too. Long night ahead I think.
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