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Everything posted by Tilly

  1. the wind has really picked up here. Stuff blowing all over the garden.
  2. I think this is the one Staffordshire posted earlier http://oak.is/thinking/hurricane-sandy/
  3. you need a bigger Umbrella Coast! Then you can lift it over the passers by, keeping them momentarily dry too. Everyones a winner
  4. Thank you Wow RD what a bargain! I would've got 2 aswell! I'd just like it to do the norm.. Temp, wind, rain, pressure etc etc. Thanks for the link itv. I will check it out.
  5. As the title says really Can anyone recommend a good one with a budget of £100. I'm asking Santa for one this year. Thanks in advance
  6. We had a 10 min long heavy hail shower and 2 nice rumbles of thunder earlier. Sky is looking nice and black again too
  7. still hammering it down..and knocked out SKY signal now, much to my little ladys disgust. She is currently kissing your avatar archiesmummy lol
  8. Its been absoluely chucking it down here for a while now. This is probably the heaviest rain we've had this week.. pond forming on the patio
  9. according to Facebook this morning we had a cracking storm here last night. The only night I sleep with the window closed and blinds down, typical lol!
  10. well I had an early night and missed it all waaaa! has anyone got any good vids from last nights shenanigans?
  11. Had an amazing morning here! Blue Skies, lots of huge CBs, rain, rainbows, sunshine...all at once! Its really dark now though and raining. Hoping for some thunder later to top the day off
  12. Hey, are we due any storms in our little corner in Kent later? We're Trying to decide if our BBQ will be an indoor or outdoor affair. It's super cloudy here at the mo, sun trying to break through and spitting about.
  13. where are everyones pics of green/black/scary skies?! pleeeease post something lol!!!!
  14. finally some action for us! we had a few big rumbles about half an hour ago, enough to dim the lights and knock the internet out. That'll do it was lovely and sunny for about 5 mins after and has now gone black again. We've had lots of hail and heavy rain this week but this is the first bit of thunder and lightning. Here are some pics I took yesterday... so gutted I only had my phone and not my camera!!
  15. this was possibly at the beginning of the presentation. These people barely survived the EF5 on May 22 then see the aftermath..they survived pinned under the only part of the building that was left
  16. well its currently pee'ing it down here and really windy! the town has a power cut too...happy days
  17. its bad enough he says the C word but with bucketloads infront makes it so much worse LOL this really cheered me up today
  18. this may be posted elsewhere on the forum but OMG...most intersting weather forecasted for us yet
  19. You know I thought about that after I posted haha. And the USA Storm Chase threads. I can go in there eek exciting! Hopefully we have a good year for storms this year. We only had one worth talking about last year. Fingers crossed Thats very true, Winter is not quite done yet. I've seen snow in April, never in June though, that would be WEIRD! x
  20. really? you think? God I better get myself some ski's then haha
  21. Good evening SE people! The snow is almost gone here now! big melt today. I'm quite happy about it really as it gives me more confidence in stepping out the door with the kids in tow. Trying to manouvere them and keep myself on my feet on ice is a job for the skilled...not me lol I know I haven't posted loads as I've not been here very long but I will be sad when/if the regional thread closes. I don't know where I'll post after that to be honest? Regional threads seem to be the most relaxed in terms of what you can post. I think I'll get told off if I post anywhere else lol
  22. omg...I've just got up and looked the the window....SNOW! couple of cm out there. Its stopped now but wow! was not expecting to wake up to that
  23. Lol I wasn't trying to be polite. Surely..rugged = rough around the edges. Which she is but still lovely
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