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Everything posted by Relativistic

  1. Seem to remember June 2013 beginning in a similar vein.
  2. Any Geordies about? Noticed that Newcastle is/will be having an absolute shocker this week. Maxima in the 12-14C range, thick grey cloud and a keen wind. We've fared much better here as we're less exposed to the North sea.
  3. Confirmed as 12.5C in v2.0.1.0: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/data/meantemp_monthly_totals.txt https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/data/meantemp_ranked_monthly.txt
  4. The colour palette is likely fixed year-round, meaning an absolute scale is used and not one which looks at deviations from the mean. The mean annual temperature depending on locality is something like 8-12°C, so these sorts of temperatures will apear most neutral when coloured.
  5. Hot sunshine here in Edinburgh after many hours of murk.
  6. The Lakes are stunning during spells like these. Went a couple of years ago in scorching June sunshine. Climbed up to Stickle tarn to cool off, then came had a pint at the bottom of the hill on the way back, all in glorious sunshine.
  7. Stayed in a cabin next to Loch Tay last June for four night and came back with perhaps around a thousand visible midge bites. Luckily for me my skin doesn't swell up or react to them too badly (usually just small red spots). Am going again in two weeks..
  8. When it's 24C no doubt people will be complaining about how cold it is.
  9. Not sure this is entirely true; the north-west is often settled at this time of year. I think the bolded bit applies more as we head into high Summer. That Ireland and Scotland will be warmer than parts of Iberia is surprising though.
  10. The Met's cloudcover forecasts have been all over the place recently. Is today going to be sunny or cloudy in Edinburgh? I have no idea; the forecast has changed several times in the last two days (including this morning).
  11. Worth noting that winter months experience the most variability. IIRC, in terms of standard deviations from the mean May 1833 is a larger anomaly relative to the series mean.
  12. Famously the May that Piers Corbyn predicted would be one of the coldest of the previous century. For a good while it seemed like it might be. Then the final third was one of the hottest ever recorded.
  13. B87 would have you believe the mean max in May is 35°C.
  14. Yup. Here sometimes the sun pokes its head out mid-afternoon but by half 5 the haar's rolled in and the temperature's dropped significantly. Agree re cloud burn-off. The Met Office forecast for yesterday and today has been poor. Last night the cloud never burnt off despite the forecast suggesting it would so in an hour's time for five consecutive hours. Today they suggested the cloud would burn off early afternoon, but in reality it's been clear for hours.
  15. It's a stunner here today. Spring proper has arrived.
  16. Not the north-west but summer 2021 was very good here. I say that as someone who grew up with reliable Essex summers.
  17. Not a well-known fact but the final third of May 2012 was one of the hottest on record.
  18. Yes. On the difference in amplitude, May 1833 is more extreme by standard deviations from the mean than December 2015 is, despite their respective differences from second place being 1.2°C and 1.6°C (on legacy; not sure what's going on with current at the moment).
  19. Indeed. Mean wind chill might be a good way to measure how cold we perceived April to be, since a number of people have mentioned it. Anyone got any statistics for mean wind speeds and/or wind chill?
  20. Can't remember 2008, but we were well into May during chilly 2013 before things leafed out down in Essex. Want to say the oaks struggled into June.
  21. The current record is already a December 2015 though. Even in a warming world May 1833 will be difficult (not impossible) to beat.
  22. This was the original quote though. Qs is right. The deviation from the mean in all cases doesn't look awful. I suspect the reason it's felt poor for so many is due to the lack of variation. Almost no days have hit 20°C anywhere in the UK -- and you can tell. I travelled the length of England on Friday and most trees were bare the whole way down. I'm making the return journey today and I suspect the situation will be no different. A week of sunny, warm weather would really get things going.
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