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Everything posted by Convective

  1. There was nothing here today. A light hail shower and thats it. The last time I recall a proper thunderstorm was the 7th of May 2011, brute of a storm. It come up on a Spanish Plume.. Then before that we had an amazing thunderstorm November 2010. Very, very large hail and actual chunks of ice falling out the sky with fork lightning, good times!
  2. You should of seen the snow we had here at about 4 o'clock!
  3. You would expect some lightning from that! It must have some height to it if its creating a 32mm/ph downpours!
  4. 4.2c here in Douglas, dropping pretty quick. The wind has just increased quite noticeably in the last 2 minutes, possibly a squall ahead of some hail?
  5. I suppose its a good location here on the IOM? Eh? There is a nice cell heading for Liverpool/ the Wirral aswell!
  6. Not sure, I don't think so. According to the local weather service, the showers are set to return a little later giving a slight covering in places!
  7. Another monster of a shower is just arriving on the west side of the island, looks pretty substantial;
  8. Another shower popping in within the next 10 minutes.
  9. Nope, this cold weather allows the Cb's to pop up easily! Low pressure aswell gives us hail/ thunder..
  10. The very large shower that is making its way inland from Liverpool is accompanied with thunder and lightning!
  11. Possibly! I think there is more on the way, a heavy snow shower just passed through Douglas!
  12. Well, we are getting another big cell here in a few minutes, whether it will drop anything, I'm not sure.. I will report any more hail, snow or lightning!
  13. Lots of hail showers passing over here on the Isle of Man! Just on my way home over the highest route on the island, I stopped and watched a hell of a cell drop by, it brought EXTREMELY heavy snow and a flash of lightning! The storm is heading for Liverpool now!
  14. Thanks! These photos were over the East side of the Isle Of Man.
  15. Today was quite interesting. Around 8am when I woke up there was driving drizzle up until about 9:15am. After this moved in a series of Cb clouds producing some extremely heavy hail bursts with some rather large sized hail and very qually winds. Although the wind was around 25kmph already, when these showers arrived the winds inside were in excess of 78kmph and gusts of stronger. No lightning seen or reported on the radar. Here are some photos. Comments welcome! Here an inflow tail or developing cell: A cell a few miles out over the bay: A fully developed cell over the town center:
  16. Convective

    Winter 2015 / 2016

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