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Posts posted by Tim

  1. tim

    cool your pics r better than mine i was using a phone thats not waterproof so i could not stand out and get it wet and the vid is not very good u can not see what i could c with the naked eye.but the clouds were definetly doing wierd things circulatin and in all directions at one point i thought its was a funnel droping down but im no expert but its a shame i dont have a proper video cam


    LOL yes I'm very wet now! didnt wear a coat still wet now but no point in drying off as knowing me I'll still go back out in it if it looks like something interestings happening

  2. Although I don't live there thought I'd log it as an event. There's a clump of storms moving out of the Wash area into the north sea. Both the radar and Euro Lightning site confirm this. Did someone possibly witness them?

    I've just got back from work and quiet surprised to see this!

  3. It seems that the Bristol Channel has generated the storm that narrowly missed a direct hit with Westbury this afternoon.

    Echoes appear on the Bristol Channel coast at 14.30, rapidly develop and by 16.00 red is in them on the Wiltshire/Somerset border.

    Just before 16.00 I heard a loud rumble of thunder just to my S and another followed at 16.05. The wind was very gusty for about 15 minutes but all is now quiet and bright.


    I got that shower at about 3:00 PM. Had a short burst of heavy rain but no thunder at that point

  4. tim did u get hail stones in that storm cus i think it only just skimed u cus iam in st george and we had torrential rain and hail stones plus the wind pick up bigtime during it


    Hi yeah in my pic looking east you can kind of see that the center of it was going to hit east Bristol. We only had the rain here yeah. I tried to chase after it but it was moving to fast and the traffic was just to heavy to get to the other side of town quick enough

  5. Ah yeah sorry, never noticed before! The pics came up in the post in a differnt order than I'd expected so just had to edit it so it makes sense! Like your earlier post it was a bit difficult to tell in which direction these storms were moving. At first I thought they were comming from the northwest, then it seemed to have more of a westerly movement then I even wondered if they were heading northeast

  6. Got some photos of the storm which I expect was the one Andy Brown was watching as well

    Pic 1: Better view of storm as it drifts southeastwards

    Pic 2: Trying to photo the rain, not the heaviest I've seen but no too bad as I wasn't expecting anything!

    Pic 3: First large drops of rain

    Pic 4: Storm comming from northwest direction

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