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Everything posted by Panayiotis

  1. For November its looking like my area (Cardiff) will have below average temps mid month onwards, shown by accuweather's graph. These colder conditions from mid month have been consistently been shown.
  2. As i live in South Wales, it would be really interesting if this occured, but can someone explain why its only in this part of the UK where this snowfall will occur?
  3. It looks like your chart has updated doesn't look that great no more!
  4. Reload in over a weeks time been showing this for quite some time (but i know its early FI) Then UK warms up, but look east cold is heading in the direction where we want it!
  5. Not really for this thread tbh and also its a month away, it will probably change!
  6. Cant believe this might be a week away, looking really good for my area (Cardiff)!!! I know its far out and probably wont happen but its still nice to see!
  7. Looking mild in the south east for the end of January! Edit:Jet taking a trip to Africa and jet going backwards over north Scotland!
  8. According to WeatherOutlook, its going to get chilly for my area(Cardiff) from the 26th onwards!
  9. I'm 16 and i am in the first year of a levels studying Maths,Further Maths,Chemistry,Physics, Biology and WelshBacc, we haven't yet done anything in Physics about the weather but in Maths my teacher told me that we will do something later in the year. Anyway last year i did Geography for GCSE and we learnt a lot about the weather, we learnt about cold and high pressure, convectional showers, relief rainfall,frontal rainfall and hurricanes, basics really, this was revision for me as i already knew this by the age of 13 because it was at that age that i started to follow the netweather forums. We also did convection in physics, but my teacher didn't tell us that it applied in the weather, but of course and most of you know it most definitely is. Example of where physics is applied in the weather! Back on topic,hoping for a cold december/end of November, followed by an average January, then more cold to fight back in February
  10. 1.Lots of laden berry bushes around(dont know if this was the case last year) 2.Killed most of them 3.- 4.Seen geese flying south yesterday! (I dont know if they do this every year at this time)
  11. http://www.meteociel.fr/modeles/cfse_cartes.php?ech=1044&mode=0&carte=0&run=10 That's an extremely low, low pressure thankfully its out at 1044h
  12. It does look like it drops but after that it rises back to the point it is now, so it doesnt look that bad.
  13. Doesnt look like that low can go anywhere unfortunately, also that last chart looks like pressure is rising over greenland
  14. Thank you very much for explaining this, i completely now understand!
  15. sorry, im just starting to understand the weather, but could you explain why this will bring hot and sticky conditions?Thanks
  16. There are some quite dark clouds to the west of me, dont know if it will produce anything though :L
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