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snowy weather

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Everything posted by snowy weather

  1. Just looking to learn more, what does this chart show? Thanks in advance
  2. Sorry for the late reply (busy with my thesis) Thanks for this detailed reply. Its really interesting to know. My mom says that in the 80's when she used to start school again in September, it used to be quite chilly. Why have storm tracks shifted north? I read an article the other day that clouds are moving north Its amazing that over the last couple of winters, I can count of one hand the number of times I have seen the frost. On Christmas eve at night I remember I only had a jacket on!! Do you think we could ever see a frost again in September?
  3. Is it true that in the 70's and 80's we used to have frosts in September?
  4. What does lower geopotential height mean? Just how cold is the Atlantic compared to normal at the moment?
  5. is there any more thunder tonight? It is so humid and I hate this stickiness.
  6. Thank you so much for this detailed post. Just goes to show how complex the weather is. Newspapers would have you believe that a cold Atlantic leads directly to a cold winter,
  7. What would this mean for the weather? What does an enhanced thermal gradient mean?
  8. I have a question which may seem very stupid because I am a novice when it comes to forecasting so go easy I have read reports that the North Atlantic is five degrees below average for this time of year. Surely that would mean a very cold autumn and freezing winter? Or is this not the case?
  9. With the North Atlantic 5 degrees below average, surely that will have a very big positive effect on our winter ?
  10. What does it mean for the high pressure not being allowed to move to the east? Could it be due to el nino that it is so weird?
  11. what are they and what do they mean? how long do they last? is it expected to hit now or next week?
  12. when was the last time a polar low occured and how rare are they?
  13. No but there are some very ominous looking clouds outside. It is set to rain at around 11 but I think the temperature last night was much lower than expected so I think it may well fall as snow. I think the temps will be much lower than expected today.
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