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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. Still waiting here for my snow, just watched the been forecast and looks like I will get what I had yesterday- a few showers but nothing heavy or longer than a few mins. Amazing I officially must be in the unluckiest location think dave TETIS got some a few miles away! Looks like parts of norfolk will get a pasting today !!!
  2. lol spoke too soon! Looks to be easing up. Fed up and logging off Good luck everyone with getting more or getting some...........
  3. Stop the press I may just see a dusting if this current shower stays over me for more then a few mins
  4. Thats 2cm more then here Still your right, as is Dave, there is still a chance I might see some snow and your location too..... my weather station has the wind NNW
  5. You lucky so and so!!!!! Not even a flake here Thats just cruel...
  6. Nothing thats stuck yet, have had a couple of light showers through the day but didnt settle. Have another shower here but would think it will fizzle out before it can leave us a dusting. Still glad parts of this region have seen good falls
  7. Sorry to hear about your news dave, I had similar bad news just before Christmas I hope it all works out for you! As to moaning, I was not moaning! I wAs just putting my view across that we might not see that much from this cold snap. Still I respect your views on the weather and continue to keep my fingers crossed , for your predictions! I am saving all my moaning up for the special thread on here, where I will enjoy an epic rant if things continue as they have been. Hehe
  8. Dave, for the last few days people have been saying " we will get some tomorrow or some in a few days time" or " watch the radar it's coming", like this morning . well tomorrow comes and goes with us seeing bugger all so does the few days. Can you see why I starting to think that we will see nothing of any siginificance? Seriously I am thinking we may be one of the only places in the UK that does not see laying snow from this!!!
  9. Yes it did for a few seconds!! Stopped now, nothing settled. Nearly got my hopes up that we would see a dusting for an hour or so !!
  10. Don't think we are going to see anything much now, maybe the odd light shower but not enough for anything to settle. not a very good cold snap for snow lovers here. I know TEITS still has hopes though.........
  11. Feel a bit lonely here, has anyone else not got any snow ??
  12. Have a few snow flakes blowing around in the wind but quite clear skys last time I looked (3 mins ago) fingers crossed still though ........
  13. The wind is bitter!!!! Nearly froze on my way to work this morning! Fingers crossed for some snow today !
  14. Glad you getting some I have a very slight dusting here with the risk of 1cm more during this morning acording to local BBC( although carol on BBC says up to 5cm, I can't see that though ) I am officially giving up lol
  15. Hi Peterboroughman, The eye in the sky (TEITS for short) who is also from Peterborough says we will see some tomorrow onwards. Me i am pessimistic and think we will just get more of the same, however TETIS knows more about weather then most so fingers crossed
  16. Cheers Dave, will save this post and keep my fingers and toes crossed!!! Thanks for taking the time to have a look, appreciate it!
  17. I watched that one eariler and got very excited then i watched the updated one around 14.35 ( this one http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/forecast/363?area=Peterborough&state=vi:A#vi:A )and it had our snow completely gone and just giving us a repeat of what we had this morning (bugger all) I know you slate the beeb forecasts and I hope that you are right!!!
  18. Dave not seen the radar mate as been at work, the beeb forecast i saw earlier showed the showers not quite making it to us? Maybe they have updated, I will go and look
  19. I can see Norfolk doing very well tomorrow. but i dont think the showers will make it far enough inland to give my location anything...... Still I am pleased most of the UK has seen good falls, its nice to see
  20. Kold I will have ya inch as got bu@&£r all here and looking at the BBC weather not even going to get any tonight, tomorrow or the weekend !
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