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Posts posted by mistyqueen

  1. Will we, won't we, will we, won't we, will we get some snaw? All still up in the air as yet, watching the charts changing every day. We might get a toothfull or two on the Cuillin, but likely not at low levels, which is where I am. Och well, I'm not complaining, it's actually been a good week weather wise with blue skies and sunshine and light breezes and NAE RAIN! Woo Hoo! And I did see the Aurora on Monday night and rather fine it was too. I tried to take some pics on my phone but none came out. 🙄 Never mind, might get some snaw piccies next week! As usual, I won't be building my hopes up. ❄️❄️🤔

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  2. Well, I guess that's winter over then, for the time being anyway. 😁 Early February looking interesting 🤔 but all can change so quickly as we all know. 8.6c here and windy with it, so, of course that's the central heating off again due to the wind. Will reset it tomorrow when it's calmer. Well, at least it's no' cauld!


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  3. More rain and wind 😕. The, ahem, stiff breeze has once again knocked out my central heating ( combi oil boiler located outside ), so once the wind drops I'll go out and press the magic reset button, only for it to happen again when the next blustery day comes along. Ho hum. At least it's not that cold, currently 7.1c, and I do have the stove in the kitchen and open fire in the sitting room. 🔥

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  4. Well, it's actually turned out to be rather a nice day here, we even have blue sky! Not for long, by the look of things. We're in for a very wet and windy weekend, and not much improvement during the week. Best keep the wellies by the door. 

    The charts look to be taking an interesting turn from around 18th January. Wonder how they'll turn out then! 😳❄️🤔❄️🥶

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  5. Happy Auld Year folks! Temp struggled to get above 2c today, but no rain, hail or sleet! A rather lovely day in fact, so we took ourselves oot fur a wee dauner this afternoon. Going to be a quietish Ne'er Day here, which is fine by me. Hope you all get the winter you dream of, but above all, have a great day with your family and friends! A guid New Year tae ane and a'! 🥃🍷🥂🍾❄️

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  6. Good morning Happy Snaw Hunters! We've had something falling during the early hours but judging by the noise it was making rattling off the VELUX windaes, I'd guess it was hail or graupel. Snow further south at Tyndrum and Lix Toll, but I doubt there will be much in the way of white stuff up here today. Current temp 3.5c, light breeze making it feel a lot caulder! Today will be spent trawling the web in the hunt for a new weather station, hopefully find something in the sales! Enjoy the Snaw, those of you who have more than one flake falling in your vicinity! 😁🌨️

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  7. Just walked back from my friend's house after the Mega Stuffathon, and that wind is biting! Current temp is around 3c, but the windchill..... 🥶 Will it snow in Skye overnight? I doubt it, we are forecast rain only. So at least there will be no iciness to contend with. Hope you all had a lovely day and are feeling pleasantly stuffed! 🍗🥩🦃

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  8. There is no more welcome sound than that of the coal bunker being filled! Yes, gentle reader, the coal man has arrived at last!  This after I bought 4 bags of coal at the local hardware store today! The weather can now do what it wants, do I give a flying fart? Nope. I have enough fuel now to last me hopefullty till well into February, depending how mild or cold it is.

    Looks like a mild and wet day for the arrival of the Fat Man in the Red Suit, but Boxing Day looks interesting, eh? 🤔😆❄️🎅

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  9. Very mild again this morning. Current temp 7.6c, a bit on the breezy side too and more than a wee bit damp. Looks like the Deep Freeze scenario for the weekend has dissipated somewhat, which is fine by me as I'll at least be able to walk safely to reach my Xmas dinner destination. I await developments for New Year with interest. Still a long way off and every chance charts will change dramatically. 

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  10. Afternoon Kilties! I sense the excitedment rising, but, as usual, I remain, calm and collected, since we are not forecast any of the white stuff so far as I can see. It's 4.1c here just now, down from 7.3c earlier on. And the ice has had a fright! The stuff that was coating my drive and the road outside my house has done a runner, and how thankful I am for that! Very light rain here too, taking care of whatever ice remains. Will be glad to see the back of it, at least I'll be able to walk without sliding! 

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