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Everything posted by legrandefromage

  1. 4.30pm BBC news weather report has a big red blob over just about everything south of Brum. Better invest in some stronger wig tape...
  2. will gather the apples before they get blown away and get the cider going
  3. ''never buy a car in the rain'' so the saying goes - does that count for selling too?
  4. brilliant day in the Forest of Dean yesterday. Rained all the way there but then the sun came out for the rest of the day. It felt properly warm too. Then the drive back was the drive into doooooom. Wetter and wetter and still the same this morning. wetter than an otters raincoat.
  5. 264 miles between Norwich, Ipswich and Stamford and the Sun was out all day!
  6. Morning all! Bright, breezy and just a wee bit nipply this morning which reminds me that I should go for a looser fit t-shirt...
  7. looks like the sun will peep out today. long trip over to Nooooooorwich via Peterborough. Might stop off at Hunstanton on the way home...
  8. well, I survived the transformation process from a hip & happening 30 something to a 40 something despite Brighton chucking its best drizzle/mist/low cloud at us for the weekend. Drive just past London on the way home and out pops the sun. Today is overcast, muggy and quiet.
  9. Sunday is looking nice - milestone birthday on Saturday with the weather looking only so-so, am wandering what to do. Comfy slipper buying? Window shop for windows? Visit Man at Beige for some slacks and a comfortable cardigan? Or maybe get so poop faced that it runs into Monday - work have been pre-warned!
  10. <claps hands & rubs 'em together used car salesman style> So! October has muscled in and rumours are abound - what does winter hold for us then? October snow? 15c on Christmas day on Brighton beach?
  11. I'm reading rumours of cold weather for October? The 'S' word has been mentioned... Bike ride was great but a lot of the routes have been washed out or worn away.
  12. up... why? its far too early. Off to Hope valley to ride around on an old bicycle with a bunch of other nutters.
  13. visited the triangle of doom today - home, Yarmouth, Peterborough then home - 230 miles of sun, drizzle and mild.
  14. ''...Paging September, the white phone for September - October is here and has taken your parking space...''
  15. It is lovely and warm which was quite surprising as 50 miles down the road in Hemel Hempstead, its bloody freezing and chucking it down. Loads of spray on the M1 and the usual bumps on the A421 at the black cat. I'm sure the police must attend one of these at least every other day. Anyway, back home, warmth, butterflies and some weak sunshine. But... Saw some gritters/ snow ploughs either out practicing or being delivered along the A1. In 2009/10, I saw this around September/ October time and also in 2010/11 and guess what sort of winters we had... Is there something the local councils already know? Should we start preparing? Should I invest in beans and a shotgun yet?
  16. pinch and a punch for the first day of... oh bottoms! Too late. three weeks until I'm forty...
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