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Everything posted by legrandefromage

  1. April can always seem to be a bit of a git of a month for weather. Back in 2004, it was 23c in Geneva in early April - when I got back to Luton airport its was 7c and I had a flat tyre.
  2. The model thread: ''...if you dont post all year you are not a true weather enthusiast...'' Am already a weather God so I can zap the miserable buggers later. Not bad out there this morning.
  3. Just back from putting to sleep the second of our lovely cats. He had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine. We had to put the first one down on Monday which left us both distraught then today has the left the other half inconsolable.
  4. chilly till the cloud cleared at midday and then the temperature rocketed. Balmy t-shirt weather now.
  5. <bites fist and clenches at Sunday temperatures> Please please please please please please!
  6. Always bloody well rains on me every time I go near MK. Cut home across the B660 to see big skies and big clouds.
  7. I, yes, I am the new weather God, bow down unto me! I will bring in a Spring that has never Sprung before! Daffodils in abundance! Primroses to make you weep! Weather so balmy it will bring a tear to a potatoes eye! Follow me weather citizens! <runs off down the corridor in nowt but a stolen bath sheet - nobody follows, nobody is that stupid...>
  8. So I win? I stated we'd get no lying snow for our region and it has come true. I am now a weather God. I will now enter the mod thread and announce my new found powers. I will allow a small group of members to touch my hem
  9. My proud statement that we will have no lying snow for our region for this winter still stands especially as spring starts tomorrow for the meteorologists
  10. cold and dry here. No Aurorararoarroa last night. I've seen it twice as far south as this, the first time back in 1990 when it was visible as far south as northern Italy. As for cars, rear wheel drive is great, 4 wheel drive is better. But front wheel drive is far cheaper to build which is why its the norm for the last 30 years
  11. dont know what paper it was but it had 'heatwave on the way' Bloomin' nice day today gor blimey guvnaaaaaaaaa!
  12. blue sky to the horizon. A whole saturday to do 'stuff' with... But what 'stuff' <taps fingers, strokes chin>
  13. I'm sure the clocks changed slightly earlier in March but was moved because of those crazy european politicians and their straight bananas
  14. Best day I've experienced in a while - was out in the wilds of Gloucestershire. Sunshine all day.
  15. shhhh.... Its quiet. Barely a breeze to ruffle the fringe. I'm off to MK, Bishops Stortford, Norwich and finally Peterborough. Am not looking forward to it in a tupperware car that gets blown about all over the road.
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