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Everything posted by legrandefromage

  1. My Doblo acts like a Tupperware box in high winds. Being blown around a bit in Enfield right now.
  2. Absolutely lovely day north of Peterborough. Warm sunshine, light winds. Even saw some flying insects out and about. Daffodils, snow drops and daisies lining the roads.
  3. Just rescued the missus after she broke down in the first lane of the A14 near the M1. Traffic officers yanked the car off the road to the nearest layby. AA then took her to the nearest service station. Mechanic came out to see if car could be made to go again but EGR valve had packed up taking the DPF with it... Third AA bloke came out to tow her home - my 'rescue' comprised of warm hugs, a decent coat and a cup of hot chocolate whilst all the time it was absolutely ssiping it down. Dinner and a hot bath for when the damp one finally gets here.
  4. Sleet! Genuine bonafide sleet splattering all over my windscreen betwixt Northampton and Corby. And bloody cold too showing 2c whilst I was working outside. The missus had some lovely ham sarnies for me when I got home. Which was nice.
  5. Gills are coming on nicely. Born in Ely so already have the webbed feet
  6. Whats the first thing I notice when stepping outside? Its mild, the air smells fresh and the roads are drying out despite this mornings rain. barely 3 nights of frost this year so far and I still have daisies in the garden. Complaints? Mud and damp but thats it.
  7. Was traveling around east angular today. Quiet watercolour skies. Bemused by two class 47 locomotives with two coaches and the back end of a class 91 electric on the way to great yarmouth... Not that I'm a train spotter...!
  8. still stand by what I've said for this winter - no lying snow for our region, or at least my front garden...
  9. its winter, its wet, its wild, unlike my missus - until she reads this...
  10. 'Hi, Peter Griffin here. I understood only 3 of those words. Oh and 'testicles'. Carry on''
  11. 'Squooze mee... Hic! is pink lightning the same as pink gin?? Hic!
  12. it was a monsoon for about 20 minutes - very mild, with a strange tang to the air. Then came the hail and now its quiet and calm. Quite a few rumbles of thunder - nothing loud but quite deep. Very odd for January, but then I remember thunder-snow about 8 years ago.
  13. hail, lightning, thunder - wevvers gone bleedin' mad innit!
  14. Bored of January now. Bring on February please. That's right, back it in there that's it.
  15. bloomin' great hail storm as I passed through March around 4pm - enough hail to coat the roads and pavements sending pedestrians under cover. One flash of lightning in the fields on the way out. Mrs Legrandefromage reported the same thing over Alconbury - her hail on the conservatory roof beat my hail on the windscreen for noise.
  16. bloody lovely out - great barford cloud mchine doing its best to pump fluffy clouds intoo an empty sky. Good job its waste product is electricity though....
  17. the sun! the sun is deeeeeead! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25743806 * dang, already outed....
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