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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. Looks like I'm stuck under the only bit off rain in the region more or less. Wish it was winter, would probably fall as snow in the heavy bursts lol.
  2. No heating needed here, I'm still sweating in doors. From the summer heat the built up, I think.
  3. Cloudy and cool outside, still feels rather warm inside though, the humidity must be up. Really quite sweaty this morning.
  4. Showers are starting to get much heavier now, like yesterdays rain at time, but for shorter periods.
  5. Only had a high of 16.1 today so far, curently 15.9, lot's of showers, but still feels to warm for a jacket thanks to a humidity of 96. But it's also to wet not to wear one. Otherwise a jumper would suffice and would feel about right I think.
  6. I've got to buy a whole new wardrobe for one of mine, she's doing a production in Russia with her school, (6 form), she needs much warmer clothing than she's used to wearing. Going in December.
  7. Your to used to the new seasons, where we seem to skip Autumn until late December like last year lol. Then go strait into spring skipping the winter.
  8. Temp all the way down to 13.9 now, going to be weird going out with a jacket on, not sure I've done that all summer.
  9. I think for you it will be the last heavy burst and then your done till it comes back tomorrow.
  10. Some of the rain seems to be intensifying again, I doubt it will start sparking mind.
  11. About to get hit by some more heavy stuff according to radar, no lightning in it though.
  12. Just had a heavy burst of rain on the school run, back to drizzle again now. The cold front looks to have killed it rather than fed it, thought as much, that's what happens in the plains in america, storms build in front of a cold front and then get killed by it when it hit's them.
  13. No storm here just drizzle with some heavier bursts at times, storms dying a death, so looks like just rain here if anything at all.
  14. Been raining here for a while, just rain, think it's too fresh here, temp 17.9, dp 16.5 humidity is up though 95.
  15. Think it will be north of here slightly :(, still just had a little rain, with more incoming a some point.
  16. What my sky looked like about an hour and a half ago, now it's filled in, very unstable cloud. Looks like it will rain any minute, but I don't think it will.
  17. Nothing but cloud and wind here now. Looks like rain on the way. I don't think it will electrify, we'll see.
  18. Got some ac cas just appearing now to spite the cool breeze and low temps. The humidity is still up high at 79, and the dp hasn't dropped either.
  19. Had some weird weather here couple of hours ago. Sky went all dark to the south, and then moved in land really quite fast. It got windy as this very think dusty sea mist blew through, took about 10 mins. Weather behind is much fresher, with a cool breeze. Must have been the cold front. Temp hasn't yet recovered even though it's still nice and sunny, currently 21.9
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