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Nice Ice Babe

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Everything posted by Nice Ice Babe

  1. According to the radar we are getting sleet....and we are with the odd flakey bit. Or perhaps the wind is blowing the sleet around. Either way the ground is so water logged it is going to take some serious drop in temp to get it to lie.
  2. Latest update from the lamppost in Gateshead. Defo on the turn. Can see some flakes.
  3. When walking the dog this morning. The ground was totally waterlogged. Can start to see small bits of ice in the non stop rain.
  4. For me I also love other aspects to this cold. This is how my icicle farm is coming along. Now just need to work out how to switch them on and pretend it's Xmas not spring. ?
  5. Yup when you run the blob on real time it's not joining the party. Hmmm back to growing my icicles.
  6. ? as I headed out to the local shop today an older women stopped me and said "they have ran out of milk". I replied 'not bothered about milk...as long as they still have wine". And they did.
  7. Was just thinking if only we could go straight from this to nice spring warmth without prolonged slush. And without bad flooding.
  8. Well my new game is seeing how big the icicles get off the roof. Got a 3 foot one so far. Watching the big freeze on channel five. Live updates.
  9. We missed again. No any real snow since about 7.00pm.
  10. Looks to be a streamer setting up over Newcastle. Sky is super orange out east.
  11. I have my eye on those rather large two systems with lots of potential. . Hoping these could line up for me..... I know, I have already had 8 inches and looking for more....
  12. To all members in my area. I apologise for being in the void...as I have found the culprit. No oven door left open. .....its dog farts super charged by the fire. At this rate reckon there might be a 3rd SSW...
  13. My internet keeps tripping. The BT line comes in via a telegraph pole line. I work from home so no snow days for me.....unless I lose the internet.
  14. I saw it too. Just as I was walking home with the dog. I got in the just in time with seconds to spare before it came down. Good picture. ?
  15. Big rumble of Thunder here and look what's coming. Well I hope.
  16. Your dad is a star. When you look at the size of the showers over that part you can see why.
  17. Just had the puppy out. First time he heard thunder. Really freaked him out. Awww.
  18. That big blob is right over me and it's very white outside.
  19. Might be right but when I ran the radar back I thought they might be at a different angle.
  20. One looks head on for Newcastle just in the rush hour too. Stay safe everyone.
  21. Hope your rabbits are ok. Mind one thing I thought of when reading the ramps for this weather is the images of frozen stiff lambs being pulled from snow drifts. ??
  22. I am just up the road from you and saw the orange sky. You must be in the same blizzard as me.
  23. Question on the lightening for the experts. Does it only show up on the rain radar if it's a ground strike?. It was switching that on that I managed to get this pic out the back of mine one summer. I just saw a load of crosses heading my way so got ready.
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