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Beast of Plympton

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Everything posted by Beast of Plympton

  1. I know.... Me too!! Its looking good for a night of snow down here as well....
  2. I cant disagree AWD! Shame it barely settles.... Next time it does, in going to do as the Russians do and stock pile it! Thanks mate, I reckon if you go up about 100 metres you would catch a flake mate....
  3. Well so far this evening a branch bounced of my windscreen whilst driving through Dousland and the missus car boot has been pulled of its arms by a gust whilst trying to get the shopping out! The road outside The Burrator is flooded as well just so you know mate....
  4. I was stuck, but at the top of pork hill.... Would have thought you were the other side so perhaps not me you saw! Probably one of the fupid stuckers from Plymouth.... One can hope!
  5. all sorted, thanks for your concern mate. Got to the big car park at the top of pork hill and had to abandon! A friend with a 4 wheel drive came and got me, then after drill my brave missus took me back to get my car!Was nice to see a good amount of snow in such a short space of time.... It has cleared mostly now....Finally, if you are a person that reads this forum, and are also one of the people that come to Princetown in your halfords mobile to skid around in the snow.... Let me inform you that there can be no doubt.... whatsoever.... that you are in fact.... undeniably.... a complete and utter....TOOL....Really had to say that....
  6. Well talk about surprise snow! Just driving ba k from tavy and am currently stuck on the moors waiting for someone from princetown to come and get me....
  7. We had a nice dusting of snow on the roofs and cars this morning.... All gone now, making way for the storm!!
  8. You might just find you get a surprise mate, dartmoor is funny like that!
  9. Just had a nice blast of heavy snow. Better dusting on the roofs and cars but the ground is too wet for it to settle....
  10. Not yet, will probably get some if and when it gets a bit more significant. Although we have a covering, its not worthy of photos!
  11. I would imagine it is the same ones, the law is here now so funny enough, they have gone! Stopped snowing now.... Hopefully will get some more in the night!
  12. Its been snowing steadily now for a while. Got a bit of a covering on the roofs and grass. However, one sure sign that the snow has arrived is the pointless wastes of oxygen that come up from Plymouth in their cars, where the stereo is probably worth more than the car itself, doing donuts in the car park opposite my house! Plebs.... anyway, nice to see some snow!
  13. Just had the first shower of the night.... Bit of sleet, but the cars are covered! Currently 1.5c here.
  14. Its a cold night on the moors! Currently -0.3c here and we had a lot of ice this morning.... John Hammond alluded to something colder later this week, hopefully the cold air will push further west....
  15. It has been a very nice day here, actually a bit warm in the sun! Nice to see the first below zero temperature here for a while.... Currently -0.6c here now....
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