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summer fun

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Posts posted by summer fun

  1. That is a hell of a drop in temperature from where they were earlier.

    We're still at 29c with 56% humidity.

    Feels like the Caribean out there, just need one of their type of storms now.

    Yeah feels much better now than I did earlier on... Gutted tho that the predicted weather for this evening did not materialise for the regional

  2. A week and a half in Jan 1987 and the same in feb 1991 although don't know exactly how long it was closed in feb 91 though as had flu and the week holiday followed that so nearly 3 week s  but false.


    I had a week of school in feb 91, remember it well because i was in my final year of junior school, probably the most winter fun i ever had. but also i remember it well because it was the most snow i have ever seen in blackpool  snowed for around 3 days and the snow drifts were very impressive for the area. Not seen anything like it here since. 


    My hopes for winter would be something exactly like this again.

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  3. Is it worth also keeping an eye on the volcano to the west of the glacier as there has been a concentration of small EQ's there over the course of today.


    Could they be ice quakes caused by the inflation/deflation and rifting of the area or


    maybe magma is finding a new route in/out of Bada itself or glacial melt water is.


    Then again could just i could just be over thinking the situation.


    LINK:- http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/2949


    Pics are large so won't paste on here.


    Also is it possible that the dyke is on more than 1 level running horizontal from the volcano like 2 tubes say 50ft apart, with 1 branching to the surface and 1 carrying on moving northwards underground. and therefore allows for the eruption to be free flowing from where it is now at Holurhan but also continue to move further to the north past Askja.



  4. i reckon the cams should look pretty again tonight



    Yeah tonight and especially for the 12th/13th with a double CME expected.


    So ill be looking for some nice Auroras as well, with the eruption in the foreground.


    STORM WARNING (UPDATED): Among space weather forecasters, confidence is building that Earth's magnetic field will receive a double-blow from a pair of CMEs on Sept. 12th. The two storm clouds were propelled in our direction by explosions in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2158 on Sept. 9th and 10th, respectively. Strong geomagnetic storms are possible on Sept. 12th and 13th as a result of the consecutive impacts. Sky watchers, even those at mid-latitudes, should be alert for auroras in the nights ahead. Aurora alerts: textvoice

    EARTH-DIRECTED X-FLARE AND CME: Sunspot AR2158 erupted on Sept. 10th at 17:46 UT, producing an X1.6-class solar flare. A flash of ultraviolet radiation from the explosion (movie) ionized the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere, disturbing HF radio communications for more than an hour. More importantly, the explosion hurled a CME directly toward Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory photographed the expanding cloud:


    This extract is from SpaceWeather.com

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