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Everything posted by mikeworst

  1. CM, Keith was showing the antarctic anomaly chart. What you posted was the global anomaly chart, kapish?
  2. You have the global sea ice chart there CM.
  3. Do really not see your point. This type of ice movement happens/takes place through all seasons depending on wind direction specifically. Is it unusual?. No because it is just weather and totally unpredictable . Can modern climate models/guestimates based on unknown parameters /assumptions tell us any more, No they cannot and neither can you.
  4. Good post Sparkicle and yes this does make a nice change from the usual sniping and point scoring. Maybe this is a new start, "fingers triple crossed"
  5. So why have two of my comments now been removed from manmade climate change. Is this becoming Real Climate now??????
  6. Yes it really is peculiar how those that endorse/believe in anthropogenic climate change are so blinded and reluctant to see/admit/accept when the evidence points elsewhere.
  7. Tsk tsk, desperation sets in and the arguments get silly.
  8. Rain is normal for this latitude for this time of year so nothing interesting there. The facts are that antarctic ice is well above the 30 year normal and those incompetents got stuck in it, simples.
  9. I stand by what I said. They were indeed monitoring ozone before but did not or were not able to detect the thinning until the 70s. They do not know what the status quo was prior to this and not what is normal or vice versa. Solar activity may provide answers in due course.
  10. Ha, now for someone criticizes "the dark side"for dropping non sequiturs your's is a beauty. "That is casting theoretical doubts against some slam dunk science." The second is also the same. " Another point that should be considered is that global warming has slowed the recovery of the ozone hole(s)." "They" did not know about the ozone hole until until technology allowed them to detect it. It is unknown and impossible to determine whether this hole existed or not before this discovery although it is now known that the size does fluctuate. Therefore recovery (to what exactly) are they talking about?
  11. In reply to Knockers rant on the other thread. Do all of us a favour and stop with the "denier" thing. It is not becoming. Anyhow watch this and come and join the dark side.
  12. Facts are simple, the antarctic is not warming and therefore the ice cannot be melting. Simples.
  13. Mmmm someone is telling porkies? http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20120013495_2012013235.pdf
  14. That right? Well when they run out of hidey holes maybe you-all want to come check out my shed. Cuppa hot coffee in there.
  15. So it is OK for you Knocker to post stuff about warming and droughts etc.. but when Keith does so and you do not like it he has an agenda (and you do not?). Pot,kettle,black.
  16. The ozone hole has in all likely-hood always been there. They do not know either way do they? I think it is arrogant to use " think, should, think again, and again,should,predict and probably when they do not have a clue what is going on. It is however safe for their credibility to predict the hole going away in 60 or 70 years is it not.
  17. Seems the NSIDC is going to make this public at the AGU, so lets see.
  18. lol, well if you think it is a conspiracy maybe this paper http://websites.psychology.uwa.edu.au/labs/cogscience/documents/LskyetalPsychScienceinPressClimateConspiracy.pdf is more up your street.
  19. Better then to post the review don't you think? Otherwise a chocolate teapot is of more use, at least it is tasty.
  20. Those glaciers have other things to worry about. Seems that a new all-time low global temperature of -91.2 c has been recorded in Antarctica. Tad chilly,what? http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2013_12_08/Rekordkalte-in-Antarktika-2913/
  21. If you are trying to push a point what is thegood of putting up a " pay" article/paper?. Sort of makes me think that you have not read it either.
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