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Everything posted by mikeworst

  1. "Here, in 2012, we had two " one in a hundred year" rainfall events ( one 'flash' and one accumulated rainfall over an extended period) and these followed 5 other major flooding events through the late 90's and noughties yet still , when I noted them as extreme ,we had posters linking historical news reports of past (northern England) flood events as though showing records of another such event ( there were none) would prove it a 'non event'???" Here have a dig and then tell me these things are something new.
  2. Little here to do with climate change but much with land mismanagement and natural subsidence. nothing new except perhaps increases in premiums?
  3. "University of Colorado data are shifted to have the same mean for 1993-2001 as Church and White", oh my, is this manipulation I detect?. Mann up why don't you. " Of course there is and since 1993 satellites but the statement is a prediction taken from the paper I posted in the other thread"
  4. It might be for you but not for thinking folk. The statement is misleading and the results of the study speculative at best . May possibly be valid from circa 2009 but that too is iffy. Nobody disputes that the arctic as opposed to antarctic ice has retreated in recent years.
  5. "From research stations drifting on ice floes to high-tech aircraft radar, scientists have been tracking the depth of snow that accumulates on Arctic sea ice for almost a century" Sorry but have to call bsh on that statement.
  6. Interesting and thanks for the link Knocker http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/ Having perused the data for stable land areas for the last hour I feel that sea levels are not at all scary or rising at an alarming rate.
  7. omg Knocker, why on earth would you dare post that? You might get branded-you know.
  8. You could also go to the laymans sunspot count here where they continue with the Wolf method.
  9. Suite yourself, no skin off my back.
  10. "So are you dismissing the role of orbital forcings?"------No but yes in the short 5 to 10000 year time-scale and even so there are issues, read ( the entire thing) and learn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles "Dismissing the paper by Marcott et all and numerous other temperature reconstructions that show we we're cooling from the Holocene climatic optimum 8,000 years ago?"---Yes, too full of holes and assumptions, they cannot even figure out the last 500 accurately with proxies. "Perhaps you could try thinking for yourself and challenging the assumptions on WUWT?"--Charming manners you have, ill bet your wife would give you a thick ear if you spoke to her like that, easy to do it at distance though I suppose. "The cooling stratosphere is an expected and predicted effect of an enhanced greenhouse effect, nothing new, despite what WUWT claims."----I will research, mull it over and reply later. "They know very well how to measure the effect of extra CO2, by looking at incoming long wave and short wave radiation, by knowing what parts of the spectrum GhGs absorb and re-emit and by then measuring those changes."---So how has that been working out for them the last 15+ years then?
  11. I did, it is just full of maybe as usual. "If the warming during the 20th century had been due to increased solar activity, it would have had a certain warming signature, such as days warmer than night, a warmer stratosphere, etc. Instead we see the opposite, which is what's expected from an enhanced greenhouse warming (so we're seeing a bottom up warming, rather than a top down warming)." ​Don't you just love the way the leopard changes spots? They predicted a hot spot and it is nowhere to be found so what do they do-posit a cooling stratosphere instead, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/08/04/what-stratospheric-hotspot/ what's next I wonder? They have no idea what the correct signal is supposed to be if CO2 is causing warming and now you tell me you/they know the signal if solar is having any effect? Sorry no sale.
  12. I see no reference to orbital forcings in your link. These processes are in any event to slow to have had any noticeable effect in that time period.
  13. Oh, so we were warmer than now 4000 years ago then?. Was it those Roman heavy duty diesel chariots? . What orbital forcing are you referring to that have suddenly come in to play?
  14. Moreover, they found that the total impact from the influence of aerosols on this type of cloud is almost double that estimated in the latest report of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.--Oh dear, adjust those models. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140806024748.htm?utm_source=twitterfeed
  15. Nothing new. http://www.sott.net/article/280759-Receding-Swiss-glaciers-reveal-4000-year-old-forests-Warmists-try-to-suppress-findings
  16. Seems that there is a possibility that the Northwest Passage may not open for business this season. There are a handful of boats waiting at Pond Inlet for ice conditions to become favourable but that is not expected for at least a few weeks yet On the west to east route Cambridge bay is reachable and one boat, the steel hulled LE MANGUIER has set off for Gjoa Haven despite ice in the way but that's as far as they will go for now if they get through. http://cornellsailing.com/2014/08/icebound/ http://blog.mailasail.com/catryn/55 ice conditions as of yesterday http://iceweb1.cis.ec.gc.ca/Prod20/page3.xhtml
  17. O’Donnell et al 2010 Refutes Steig et al 2009 http://climateaudit.org/2010/12/02/odonnell-et-al-2010-refutes-steig-et-al-2009/
  18. Oh ok- http://icecap.us/images/uploads/antarctica_white_paper_final.pdf http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v415/n6871/abs/nature710.html Using station data with long record lengths, a sensitivity study indicates that the trend tends to stabilize after a record length of two decades is available. The current historical satellite dataset is thus long enough to make the trend analysis meaningful. The 20-yr trend from the satellite data over the ice sheet was estimated to be −0.042 ± 0.067°C yr−1 and is consistent with −0.008 ± 0.025°C yr−1 derived from station data for the same period. Analysis of the 45-yr trend from station data, however, yielded a warming trend of about 0.0124 ± 0.0076°C yr−1, which is consistent with previous studies (e.g., Raper et al. 1984; Sanson 1989; Jacka and Budd 1991; Weatherly et al. 1991; Jones 1995). The slight cooling of the entire ice sheet observed in both in situ and satellite records during the last 20 yr is intriguing since during the same time period a general warming is being observed globally (Jones et al. 1999). http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013%3C1674%3AVATIAS%3E2.0.CO%3B2 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v415/n6871/full/nature710.html
  19. Yup, colder means more ice but i expect that is too obvious. http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/antarctic-temperature-trends/
  20. Knocker, this was a perfectly legitimate post by Keith who supplied a link to the prediction that was posted by Sierra Club on their website. I know it is embarrassing for some but there have been other ice free Arctic predictions that have failed. 1. Al Gore- I 2007/8/9 predicted ice free Arctic by 2013 http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/17207-al-gore-forecasted-ice-free-arctic-by-2013-ice-cover-expands-50 2.Professor Wieslaw Maslowski-2013 at American Geophysical Union meeting http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7139797.stm 3 Louis Fortier, scientific director of ArcticNet 2010 or 2015 http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=c76d05dd-2864-43b2-a2e3-82e0a8ca05d5&k=53683 4.NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally 2012/2013 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/12/071212-AP-arctic-melt.html 5.Sen. John Kerry- 2013 http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/sep/02/john-kerry/kerry-claims-arctic-will-be-ice-free-2013/ 6. Mark Serreze, of the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)-2008 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4728737&page=1#.T69QYu2EYqY There are loads more, hope you are happy with the links and that they are not too dubious for your taste as opposed to hotwhopper et al where you harvest the vast quantity of copy and paste/character assassination (regurgitating sound bites) you post on this forum. Trolling mmmmm.
  21. Made my point even if you do not get it, catch you at the re-freeze.
  22. And also probably 1979bc, 1980bc, 1981bc, 1982bc etc and so on. Nit picking and pointless, lets see what happens huh?.
  23. Why not, it is summer after all, you know melting and stuff.
  24. As do others called catastrophilliacs and pronounce it apocalypse.
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