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Everything posted by Tucco

  1. Mild decent spring weather contuines Temp 7.4C, sunny intervals light/mod SE breeze. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  2. Dull low cloud. Temp 5.1C Yesterdays max 10.3C first double figure temp for 5 months Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  3. Only the coldest in the North of the UK since 2000/01. Still that rubbish about heaviest snow for 18 years aswell in the article Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  4. 7 winters in the 60's were colder than this one :o I think winter 2000/01 was colder in Scotland and I will be very close across far north of England compared to this one. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  5. Coldest winter for a decade according to the Meto http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pres...pr20090225.html Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  6. The mild last two weeks of Feb will have risen the CET average, it has been a slightly cooler than average winter though. I do agree though the snowfall events have lacked the severity of those in the past, although parts of counrty have done well compared there norm eg the SW. A few places did see snowfall returns of once in a 20 year event. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  7. P Eden has CET at 3.0C up to the 21st. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  8. Could be last snowfall for some time. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  9. The temps will drop in the band of shrs. Carlisle was 1.8C at 0700z, 0800 at 0C Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  10. Light/mod snow here Paul, temps should fall in next few hours. Could be icy mid morning? Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  11. Plenty of time for proper snow yet in the coming weeks, even if the Meto/BBC have cocked up regarding temps overnight. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  12. Another poor forecast from Meto/BBC, they to have real problems with temps at present. There's probably some milder air associated with this feature. It will turner colder once it has passed. Mildest air appears to in the west, 5C at Blackpool, 4.2C at Keswick, 2.7C at Shap at 0600z Warmest its been all month here at 0.9C Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  13. Not expecting more than the odd flake until perhaps the end of next week if the cold runs come to anything. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  14. Very similar here, where about in the Tyne Valley are you? Had another ice day, temp now down to -3.4C Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  15. Faxs appear to upgrade feature moving down from NW http://www.meteociel.fr/ukmo/fax/fax24s.gif http://www.meteociel.fr/ukmo/fax/fax36s.gif http://www.meteociel.fr/ukmo/fax/fax48s.gif Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  16. Yeah much warmer today manged 0.9C this afternoon, following 6 ice days in row. Could have been below freezing for a week if it wasn't for that stupid low in the South. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  17. Kendal should be one of the best locations for this event. Give it another 30 mins :lol: Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  18. Getting an inch snow over the next 24hrs doesn't sound that thrilling Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  19. Very disappionting since Monday for the NE, I notice now there's only the NE and Cumbria not on a warning about Monday's eveny :lol: I go on your website a bit to get a comparsion, it does usually work out at 3 C Had 21 days in row in June that didn't make 16C, also its a lot wetter here aswell perhaps 4/500mm more than Newton ayciffle. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  20. Hopefully this will be sixth ice day in a row :lol: Only thing is your expections increase aswell. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  21. The radar usually tells the truth. Meto now warning of up to 10cm for SW Scotland. Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
  22. Few video of Mondays events. They were occasions when vis got down to 20/30m at times in the heavier showers combined with blowing snow to around 30/40ft. The video's below were in better conditions Mark Teesdale,Co Durham
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