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Posts posted by NUT

  1. Did i miss summat ? im not that far from you .. i know there was thunder in Kirtintilloch yesterday..but was this night time ?

    I put it in the other thread. I was walking dogs at half 9 last night and I saw thw most amazing intercloud (as I was told it was) lightning display. There was something near Glasgow at the time apparently. Some of th flashes in that cloud was absolutely amazing

  2. It is a joy to watch. Until last September (23rd) I had to wait 16 years to see night lightning down here in Solihull. And even that, hypothetically speaking was out of the blue. They are the best storms, cloud illuminated from the inside. Potential for my area even tonight according to the MetO and other sources says sporadic lightning but I think more wet than anything else. I have my camera ready though, just in case. smile.png


    Even though we haven'thad many storms here in my area? I have been treated to some real crackers ligtning wise in the distance and what I saw earlier seriously did top it off for me. Wish I had taken my camera out. Didn't expect to see that though

  3. Good morning, Nut. (Something I get called on occasions but that's another story!)

    There was an area of heavy precipitation around the time you mentioned in Glasgow, (or Glasgee in Scottish dialect!) so chances are that you were viewing distant intracloud lightning.


    Never saw that kind of lightning before. That whole entire cloud was seriously lighting up. I was just looking there in awe.

  4. Hope somebody can explain the phenonenom I saw earlier. Half 9 I was out walking the dogs with mum. The sky was getting dark and was mostly clear........however I looked towards the west and I saw this big cloud. I could actually see lightning within that cloud! There was nothing to indicate on radar that there was any thunderstorms around. Some of the lightning in that cloud was absolutely spectacular.

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