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Everything posted by Dami

  1. I was at secondary school, so maybe 14 at the time. It's the Eastbourian sea air you know, keeps ya young!
  2. I'm not suggesting that people should go to a doctor at every little thing spike! It's bad enough that my local Doctors has gone from getting an appointment the same day to a two weeks wait. It's bad enough that as parents we get snotty 'we are watching you' letters from school when Bubs is off for a few days. 111 considered bubs issue important enough to be seen within 6 hours, I am not a time waster regarding Doctors, but my daughter was in alot of pain and couldn't move her neck as well as a fever and sore throat. We are talking about a school that told me to take my daughter to the doctors because she had 'a bit of a cough and brought up a bit of her dinner' The way things are going we will be getting sick notes for our children! All i'm saying is in this 'it's only a cold' culture it is no surprise these viruses spread so quickly.
  3. I need to agree with this. Can I also make the point of how many people would start to feel ill and shrug it off, thinking 'it's just a cold?' Yes I get you would be too ill, but I have never been a great supporter of 'it's only a cold' club. Only a cold sent my daughter to hospital the other week, gave me a very strange virus Christmas time and wiped me out for a good week. I think it can be said the cold i would get as a child is a very different beast to the one that i've had now. This virus is just the beginning i'm sure
  4. I was at school age when the storm of 87 struck. Where we lived we often had strong winds so I managed to sleep thorough it all. We didn't have much damage so we were lucky - our roof was fine as was our garden fences - the only thing it did surprisingly, was 'dump' the contents of two flower plastic plant urns by our front door perfectly without even damaging the contents, while the pots had found their way down the road. My bedroom window was covered in mud. A friends father, then a fireman, rung us to say not to go out soon after we found out school was closed as it was still too dangerous. My school lost it's gym roof and took months for it to be repaired. To put in context, we lived maybe 5 miles away from the south coast and the school a mile and a bit further. I think the more in land you were the worst it was. 100's of trees were felled that night.
  5. Thankfully I'm not in the amber. I'm not a big fan of wind storms. Being in pitch dark because a tree had fallen on to a cable isn't my idea of fun as it sets off my anxiety, but it does happen.
  6. We should start an Alexa fan thread. Hubs loves them. He has just brought 2 more to update the ones we have we have 3 upstairs and 4 downstairs. She's not always right with the weather. We also have a Google, but poor love is hardly used. Beautiful icy blue sun rise. Thick white frost. I think some road users got caught out today considering the sirens going off.
  7. -2c this morning. Praise be a miracle. Needless to say the cold came with clear blues sky and sun, so the arrival of mild and wet will yet again make its ugly face this weekend. This was typical of tens of winters I had growing up, then out of no where there was snow, so i'm not giving up total hope, although 20 odd years for any thing decent is a blimin' long wait.
  8. Just walked bubs back from dance class. It is raining a bit and quite blowy but mild. It's raining!
  9. Had hail and some rain. Wasn't sleet at all so couldn't vote. No snow, not even sleet. Cold wind mind then yeah.
  10. We had a massive gust of wind so much that the bins blew over It was wear a cardie day, as a little chilly in just a t-shirt and joggers. Just want a nice few showers of snow, a stew in the slow cooker and cosy pj's. Why is that so hard, it's winter.
  11. @TomSE12 Thanks Tom. I'm quite worried atm so fingers crossed Bubs is ok and it's just a throat infection.
  12. Quite windy and cool for 7C. Poor Bubs is very poorly and Hubs has taken her to urgent care by taxi :(. Can't get our car out due to the inconsiderate parking of someone's pickup, so I am not in the best of moods.
  13. Turning milder. yesterday, although I know what you lot will say, I saw a 76% chance of snow for my area a few days down the line. It gave me HOPE! Now as expected it has gone back to zero percent and a it's getting 'milder' Gah. Turner milder, what a depressing thing to see mid -winter.
  14. I can be said I was quite surprised it was raining when I got up this morning. Well i'm not surprised actually.
  15. I wasn't talking about the subject matter per-say. It was aimed at the 'The Uk's going to get snow' crew when it turns out the snow is on the high points up norf. And yes I realize that Snowdon's a bit more south of the country.
  16. I can confirm that when I lived in Sussex, I often found more snow in kent. In fact it snowed one Christmas in the 80's I believe although where I lived we hadn't even had sleet. Even good for thunderstorms. My dear dad used to take me on 'a chase' to find storms and we often ended up some where in Kent as well.
  17. yeah why get excited over the fact it could snow on a Scottish hill.
  18. Hubs has just come back from a work trip to Zurich, and the weather there is just about the same as here.Cloudy, cool and no snow where he was. In fact it didn't he didn't see the sun in the 4 days he was there.
  19. I'm too late, but i'm not expecting it too snow. bah humbug.
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