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Posts posted by Woollymummy

  1. 45 minutes ago, ajpoolshark said:

    Such a  storm system has almost certainly happened in the past, the hypothetical beast called a hypercane with 500+ mph winds and surface pressure sub 700mb..... massive undersea volcanic effect or asteroid impact would be the cause  

    I was wondering about the evolution of life with respect to massive hurricanes etc, and wondering if it was a selection pressure (if they were frequent enough) driving adaptations in body shape or possibly always caused catastrophic removal of populations.? Might there have been some species who were able to thrive in areas where winds were exceptionally high, that we might not have noticed in the fossil record? Or did life only emerge out of the oceans once the most massive cyclonic weather events had died back closer to what we see today? The ocean stays pretty constant, much safer that being up on land.

  2. 4 hours ago, Paul Sherman said:


    The guy above is suggesting that a breeze would kill numerous in the 1700's if I am reading that correctly,

    Errr.... I think he was referring to cholera epidemics etc, caused by diarrhoea ("loose stools") wiping out thousands of people, not referring to light breezes that might knock your stool (or chair) over causing problems.......

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  3. Interesting about pollen, many yellow flowers are flowering in my holiday-neglected allotment and garden, eg lettuce, rocket, ragwort (very guilty for having that) and lots of Compositae species (things that look like dandelions), Hawkbit, Hawk's-beard and also thistles. Runner beans are also flowering, but I am not sure how widespread they would be as an allergen unless you live near a veg plot.

  4. My gazebo pole snapped about 12 days ago,we have been continually  camping (in England) since then, on not one single day did we need cover from rain; glorious weather for festivals, cooking outside, swimming in the sea, setting up and packing away big canvas tents, sitting out late chatting with friends, playing all day on holiday. Absolutely amazing end to the summer, I am very grateful.

    One bizarre occurrence this weekend was my friends all sitting hiding in the shade of a fence draped in colourful cloths at a festival, absolutely no wind, boiling hot. A sudden wind whipped past out of nowhere, caught the cloths, flipped the fence into my pals, then ten seconds later - still air again, the only sign that something odd had occurred was a plastic carrier bag about 100 ft up in the air swirling around on its own.

    ....now then, one last day to dry all our holiday washing, pack the camping clobber back into the sheds and rescue my tomatoes before the chilly rain arrives.



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  5. 8 hours ago, MP-R said:

    ... some Septembers see a displacement as do some Augusts. Some don't. Quite simply, I think we're in a period where September can often outshine August. When I was growing up, this certainly wasn't the case. Indeed, September is on average wetter than August here, albeit not by much.

    I feel the same - summer was often baking hot, while autumn (back to school, shopping for new shoes) was often rainy. I am 43 so I am basing this on being at school in the 80s. Now I feel May and June and bits of July is more summery, followed by an autumny end of summer, then another warm and dry spell in September. I am now confidently planting things in July knowing we have, more than likely a second shot at summer for fast growth and harvesting before proper autumn kicks in.

  6. Yesterday, lots of these tiny boring looking straight line clouds as the heat dissipated in the afternoon, then at sunset an amazing pink sky and even a pink rainbow as the edge of the stormy weather came over us (lightning in the distance) then v light rain, followed by totally silent odd flashes on the horizon as somewhere near London was getting the proper storm, and absolutely no thunder, I stayed awake for hours hoping for a storm but slept through the torrential rain that turned out to be the only excitement near Oxford.



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  7. re: Hot Days: Top tip is to stick white paper (we use waste photocopied A4) on your windows to reflect lots of the light away but keep room bright, and make sure ventilation is maximum in the night time and minimum during the heat of the day, as more hot air just comes in and is hard to get rid of. 


    Looking forward to some hot days eventually.....


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  8. Our school pond has been very active since weekend before last, many classes of kids got to see the whole live action, some fivesomes etc with rather rather grim examples of keen males still trying to mate with one dead and eviscerated female (!) but on the whole many many happy jolly pairs or frogs, males showing off their white throats, croaking all day  long, and now huge amounts of frogspawn of varying stages of development. The nature area also now seems to have a mating pair of blackbirds, so we are hoping they have made a nest somewhere nearby!


  9. Wishing for snow on a lovely spring-like day as we have here today seems perverse and silly. Drains are unblocked, two loads of washing out in the windy sunshine, mouse evidence swept out of shed, pantry tidy, kids fed, off into town for some shopping and then tunes in the pub later. Spring! I don't care if that was the last of winter or if we have a bit more to come, it is lovely to be having a warm breezy day at last.

  10. On 1/25/2017 at 08:33, jethro said:

    Some pretty pics of what might have been if we all lived in mainland Europe. If anyone comes up with a plan to drain the North Sea or the Channel and link us back up again, I'm in, give me a shout if you need a hand. "We need to build a wall!"..... (in the Atlantic, to deflect all the pesky wet warm air, so we can have pretty frozen waterfalls, shall we invoice the Caribbean....? hehe) :D

    Plitivice Lakes, Croatia. Taken 20th January.





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    On 1/20/2017 at 01:20, cheese said:

    I'm wishing for spring and summer now, getting sick of winter. I'm actually hoping February has an early taste of spring with some mild, sunny days. My interest in any potential cold or snow is gone - just not interested at all anymore. 

    Same here. My pantry temperature is now -1 so have had to shift some stuff back into the house, but nothing outside to play with except crunchy laundry. Boo hiss. Come one weather, either give us snow, or a bit more sunshine to warm things up a bit.

  12. 15 hours ago, PompeyFC said:

    you are aware that its scientifically proven cough medicine does absolutely nothing for a cough ? ;)

    hehe, I can now say for sure it does nothing for a cough, but it has given me seriously bad side effects via my stomach and backside, oh lordy , never again. The bottle is now in the bin :nonono:

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