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Everything posted by ThunderBuddy21

  1. I have a family. Party Saturday afternoon in my nans back garden, looks like we're all going to have to cram in the house lol
  2. http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/493781/SHOCK-WEATHER-FORECAST-Hottest-August-in-300-YEARS-on-way-as-jet-stream-BOILS-Britain At it again!!
  3. Do u guys think I'll get a storm? Really don't think I could cope with another one, I know they're moving northwest but seen a few people on here saying that they could go further south. Or is it just another wait and see scenario?
  4. Thankyou It looks like the storms will go north east over the top of me (please) lol righr over to Norfolk area? Is that right, it doesn't feel stormy here (not exactly reliable but theres no the horrible humidity thst there normally seems to be before a big storm)
  5. Huh? Everything im looking at is saying its going to be clear tomorrow
  6. I have no idea what any of this means but is it going to thunder where I am tomorrow?
  7. I need to see these thingd to make sure im not alone!! But how come this is the only forecast saying this? Surely if this is likely to happen thered more risk of thunderstorm s forecast everywhere elee?
  8. Todays netweather forecast says we could see some thundery showers friday/Saturday
  9. Didn't someone post a forecast for next week saying something about another msc or mcs? (not sure what it's called) think it was posted a few days ago
  10. Fingers crossed! Lol same again next weekend I suppose, nice all week then epic storms!!
  11. Hopefully. Still that big blob on the radar moving west, not showing any lighting though, unless my radar just isn't working lol
  12. Must say as much as I hate storms it was needed and it's nice to be able to sit in my lounge and not melt!! Its very wintry out, now just radar watching to see what the night brings
  13. No I woke her up to come to me as my other half left for work, he came home about 5 mins later as he is a roofer, so she decided to go for a ride!!No more storms. Please!!
  14. I know! Had my fingers in my ears for most of it but when I did take them out I couldn't believe how loud the rain was against my window, spoke to my mum, she went on a bikeride in it!!!!
  15. I live less then 1/4 miles away from the floods in worthing but u wouldnt be able to tell looking out my window
  16. Lucky you I thought I was in 'the day after tomorrow '! So freakin scared!!!
  17. Can't see the radars not working for me right now. I think there's more to come though my poor heart is under a lot of stress right now
  18. Yeah we got flash flooding round here too, no trains calling at worthing due to flooding in the underpass
  19. Lucky you I watched that mother roll in and still going I'm so scared and now exhausted its just going round in circles
  20. This is horrible. It's just getting bigger. Think I might have a heart attack before this stops
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