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Everything posted by snowidea

  1. Bit grey and damp here today. Husband frantically Facebook trolling our English rugby loving friends. Fingers crossed for some white stuff for all
  2. I did see snowflakes yesterday, floating down hopefully before being brutally melted by the sleet and raindrops.
  3. Mostly sleety rubbish here all day with the odd snowflake thrown in as a tease.
  4. We've had a few snow showers today, a little sprinkle or two but nothing sticking.
  5. Oooh you've got a border. Our little guy is 18 weeks old. Chilly and crisp here today.
  6. A dusting here this morning and just had a wee burst of snow (direct hit from the pink blob on the radar). It's been one of the snowiest winters I've experienced up here. Not in terms of depth of snow but number of snow days. Little and often as opposed to snowmageddon.
  7. Snowing wetly here but ground is wet so it's melting on landing
  8. Morning, probably about an inch, inch and a half here and still snowing lightly. Far better than forecast
  9. Ooohhh snow crept in while I was watching "Trump's last stand".
  10. Well surprise, woke to wet snow falling and a wet covering, not much depth to it but better than nothing yay. We've had quite a few coverings this winter and lots of cold crispy days so while it's not (yet) a 2010 repeat, it's been pretty good.
  11. I feel quite grumpy now. It's my birthday tomorrow, there's an amber snow warning, amber none of this yellow rubbish. Stuff has been falling from the sky all day, yet when I look outside it's like someone's sucked all the juice out of a slush puppy then chucked it over my car. Pleased for those of you with snow though. Going off for a sulk upstairs (as we're also doing dry January so can't even drown my sorrows).
  12. Been downgraded to heavy rain and sleet despite being in the Amber area
  13. Well in the spirit of IMOBY Falkirk slap in the middle of the Amber warning. Currently appears to be very fine graupel (if that's the correct term for mini hailstones).
  14. Hmmm no idea what we'll get here in Falkirk. We're quite high up and right on the edge of town so often get snow when there's rain further down but not feeling massively hopeful. It was a cracking day yesterday, cold and frosty but not so icy that walking was problematic. The oldest kid voluntarily coming out for walks now we have the puppy. I've no doubt been entering the neighbours by inching slowly down the hill and out of the estate while my Scottish husband just strides along with some inbuilt, instinctive ice walking ability. My kids have it too. I'm blaming my Cornishness. Anyway good luck everyone, bring on the snow.
  15. Just remembered the camper is meant to be MOTd tomorrow, rear wheel drive auto brick on wheels. Suddenly hoping we don't get snow Also not weather related but oh my God, America??? Also Jamiroquai trending on twitter thanks to this guy.
  16. I've not moved from my desk all day but just been out for a freezing walk with the puppy, the frost feels an inch thick. Bin lids all frozen shut but no idea of actual temperature. Hoping the snow gods deliver for some tonight.
  17. Just googled onanist now trying to clear my browsing history @Hairy Celt
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