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Everything posted by Snipper

  1. Snipper

    July Hedgehog

    Such a shame they are so rare. Got two nesting boxes and a feeding station I made. None of them now being used. Last hedgehog decided to play in the road by a long devious route as it could not get there from my garden. Why go there when there are associated gardens offering tastesy things itching to feed them plus I back onto farmland that is set aside.
  2. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/699681/FREAK-climate-changes-spark-min-ice-age-Britain-2017
  3. Yes and a birds nests as well. They have massacred a lot of birds nests around me. Quite see why they are treated as vermin by some. Nature is cruel. More Jays and less blackbirds, Robins to name but two.
  4. I think they are trying to keep up with some British workers. Just go for the easy option that doesn't require much effort. Don't worry lots of foreign birds will take their place. Best of luck to them.
  5. Seen wasps but not as an aggravation at the moment. They fly in to get water from my bird bath. One lot disappears off in an NW direction and the others in a SW.
  6. Yes you can smoke a lot of things. I will start a thread on curing and smoking meat and fish. Tomorrow probably.
  7. Like smoked salmon. Make my own as well a curing bacon. Currently air drying a leg of pork to make Prosciutto ham. Suppose to be drying for 12 months. Should be ready next February. Something good about fast food.
  8. Strange really as the ground was disturbed in the field at the back of my garden. Scattered some seed over winter and very few grew. Previously when I did this some years ago it look poignantly like the Somme.
  9. Pity my poor mum. She only has one place where she can put her bin. It seems to be the aiming point for the guano manufacturer perched on the roof.
  10. Seems where I live that there are far less red poppies growing in the verges etc. Anyone else noticed? Or is it just where I have been. Essex up to Suffolk.
  11. Assume it was decided that it was inappropriate to have an "e" after the "t" and "i" etc. I had put.
  12. Like the censorship imposed on my topic.
  13. It seems wherever you go seagulls are increasing. Been to my mum's little cottage in Southwold, Suffolk. When she bought it in 1960's you never saw a gull. Now they are busy excreting over everything. These pests are protected. Why?
  14. Thanks for your comments. Saw my doctor who thought problem of fainting was probably due to being tired and the funny night timelight on Virgin Atlantic. She did not think anything needed to be done as had recently had an annual service with various tests and a review of my medications. Main reason for not flying at moment is I wanted something more relaxed and hopefully laid back. Also happy not having the unpleasant experience of hanging around at airports. Also long flights are so boring. Had several flights in last couple of years. Reserving judgement on what we will be doing on our train trip and I am grateful for your suggestions. When we go on cruises we very seldom go on the organised tours. Just negotiate a deal with a local taxi driver (sometimes with another couple). Much more interesting and economic. So far at least not had a problem.
  15. Thanks for comments. Keeping our options open and I am grateful for your suggestions. I hope that our mid September trip will be less touristy. Too be honest just looking for a relatively relaxing time to case the area generally for a return under our own steam As far as Virgin Atlantic is concerned I fainted (blood pressure was lower than usual) on an over night flight to Hong Kong. No complaints about cabin crew who were vey supportive. Got off went to hotel and on cruise for 18 night to Dubai. Felt very well and thought my fainting was just a Sod's law thing. Got to check in at Dubai and Virgin said where is your fit to fly certificate? As you never asked me to have one at any stage and I felt fine why? We weren't able to contact you as you were on a cruise. Then showed them the emails that passed between me and them during our cruise. So obviously no effort to contact me and advise me of the change of terms of our contract to fly. Anyway they said you can't fly go and get certificate. Delayed 24 hours with resulting costs and hassle. Begining and end of our cruise was not enjoyable but bit In between was good. Currently having a go at Travel insurance and Virgin . What fun. S
  16. Thought we would try this organised tour. https://www.raildiscoveries.com/tours/dordogne-rail-holiday/?tlUrl=%2Ftours%2F#6DBS Usually organise our own thing but decided on this occasion to take a back seat. Had a bad experience flying thanks to Virgin Atlantic so do not want to fly.
  17. Thanks for the responses. Just booked a trip to the Dordgne for a few nights. Reserve judgement on how I will feel by a bit of organisation. One good thing is not an airport involved.
  18. Anyone been on a rail holiday? Train travel, hotels and trips. Sort of thing Michael Portillo did on his programme.
  19. Must admit I made no comment as it had the smell of an Express article
  20. Looking back (over 40 years) there are now more areas where they can nest. There are considerably more mature trees, in particular conifers, which they seem to like, possibly because they provide very good cover. Food is in some places is easy to find as people generously spread bird food. They bully other birds out of the way. They then decide they will have a second course by eating my vegetables. Although I net what plants I can I find that shooting them does provide a more permanent solution. Mr Fox benefits as I chuck the corpse over the fence into the field at the back. The rabbit population has also exploded. Not a problem for me as I have installed metal mesh fencing. Thank goodness they can't fly.
  21. So I now need give up my work in the garden to feed flying rats? We had hoped to eat the produce I was trying to grow.
  22. Makes the veggies a bit expensive. Also can't really net the gutters to prevent them discharging down the side of the house.
  23. Anyone else noticed the vast increase in wood pigeons? They nest anywhere, crap everywhere and trash a lot of your vegetables that you grow. Anyone got any advice about trying to counter this plague? Snip
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