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Everything posted by Rickoza

  1. Snow beginning to slide off the cars. Change now happening here.
  2. Light snow here. I imagine after midnight that's it until Sundays fun.
  3. Heavy now for a good half hour. Seems to be hanging on though the radar suggests it should be gone.
  4. Noticed a bit of mammatus behind a shower there. I have this feeling we've had our once in a blue moon snow event earlier this week. I hope to be proven wrong....
  5. Been looking promising out West all week, surely got to deliver this afternoon around here?
  6. Absolutely nothing thus far. Hoping incoming does the business.
  7. Seems to be widening a little and heading right here. Be interesting to see how much during "rush" hour in the morning too.
  8. that looks really tasty for here though not getting my hopes up after last night.
  9. Yeh noticed that Friday am has a pasting for here early doors but no mentions anywhere else.
  10. Motherwell/Wishaw area, think we're too far north for any serious snowfall or borderline?
  11. Friend of mines reported seeing thundersnow in Motherwell back of 4 today. Lull just now but out west looks tasty.
  12. Wish NLC would just make the call to close all schools tomorrow and give folk a chance to organise things. That's on for at least another 5-6 hours on and off.
  13. Prolonged snow at 3 made the drive home a horror one. Plenty on the radar. An event lime this we've been waiting on here for over 7 years.
  14. A short time ago. The slushy roads are beginning to get a covering again.
  15. Sure there's advice that showers this evening are forecast to merge into a longer spell.
  16. Just down from the Cathedral? Wasn't that bad at all on the way to work, my wee boy was most disappointed that he had to go to school (Muir Street). Told him might be different tomorrow though.........
  17. Not getting my hopes up but it looks good. Over the years here in Bellshill/Motherwell area snow, and indeed thunderstorms, just seem to head towards us then either go North or South and avoid us altogether, best we seem to get is a light covering which fades fairly quickly. Long range looks to continue the theme of next week, so perhaps, after all this time (2010 the last really good fall of snow here I recall), we might get an impressive dumping. And a thunderstorm to go along with it. I've seen Thundersnow once in person, and I was only about 10 at the time, in this part of the world. Long overdue.
  18. http://www.markvoganweather.com/2017/11/27/greenland-warms-nearly-40c-as-textbook-aonao-develops-cold-times-ahead-for-uk/ This is very interesting..........
  19. Wow, 4 inches of rain in 90 minutes? Wonder how accurate this is.... https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IGALWAYG4#history/tdata/s20171016/e20171016/mdaily
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