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Everything posted by 78/79

  1. markyo There are people just down the road from me that have been flooded out three times in as many weeks. As soon as we get a days wet weather, up go the river levels again. The problem is, all the gully and storm drains out fall into that river. Once those pipes are submerged they're useless.
  2. See some people are still looking for snow, good luck to them if that floats your boat, personally, I just want it to dry up for about 6 months. This poxy rain is really starting to get on my f****** nerves.
  3. Bristawl Si Pretty much doing the same thing myself now Bris, turning 64 next month, that'll be 48 years of work. That's my bit done as far as I'm concerned. Probably just do the odd small job as, and when, but apart from that, I certainly shan't be looking too hard for it.
  4. Pretty sure my first Mother in law came down in a Flying Saucer, come to think of it, V was on at the time I caught her adjusting her human mask .
  5. Tom Quintavalle Believe it when I see it, the way things have panned out this year , I think I've got more chance of seeing Lord Lucan ride by on Shergar.
  6. Yet another crud day in not so sunny Somerset. A bit of career advice for all you youngsters. Avoid the Building Trade like the plague, because in this country it's a dead loss You are either battling the weather, or coping with yet another recession. Take it from me, your bank balance, health in later life, and mental well being will thank you for it. If you must do it, then qualify, and clear off abroad.
  7. You can watch your ridge tiles fly off, and your fences fall down, but at least you'll be warm whilst it happens . What a complete crock of s...ite our climate is.
  8. Very kind of you Becks, Winchester is about an hour and a half from here, if you would'nt mind meeting me halfway at Stonehenge I'll take you up on it
  9. We're predicted to have wind gusts topping out at 54 mph, but seeing we're pretty exposed here on the Mendip slopes, I reckon 60 would be closer to the mark.
  10. Wind picking up here, the rain isn't too far away looking at the radar.
  11. I was Three the last time that occurred, been waiting 62 years for a repeat, still, you can't rush the job!!
  12. A continental climate would suit me down to the ground. it's the endless rain . and wind that drives me to distraction, probably because I have to work out in it.
  13. Been a nice day here, plenty of sunshine, around 3/4 degrees. Felt cold, but nothing a coat, gloves, and scarf could'nt sort out. Got to be better than 11 degrees with wind , and rain. That's about as much use as a plastacine walking stick.
  14. Just had a look in the Mad thread, I sometimes wonder why the knowledgable posters ever bother to contribute, They have the guts to put their thoughts into the public domain, and then get their heads shot off for their trouble, just because things don't work out to some peoples liking. I honestly think that some of them have some serious growing up to do. Get another 30 odd years of life expeience under your belts, together with some real s..ite that life can throw at you ,and maybe you'll realise just how stupid you are making yourselves look.
  15. If only it was going to be dry, but yet more rain on sodden ground is going to result in more flooding problems for some poor people. This country really is a pit when it comes to rainfall.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised to see some snow here next week, we're about 500 feet a s l,. It's the potential switch back to wind, and rain that concerns me though. A lot of poor folk around here were flooded out last Thursday. We need rain about as much as I need a bullet hole in the head.
  17. Remember it well, I was almost 18 . I t started on a Saturday evening if I remember rightly. by about Tuesday it was on it's way out .
  18. Got another load coming on Saturday, really been rattling through them this week, mostly Ash with the odd bit of Hazel.
  19. I've been working since 1976, 33 of those 48 years have been spent outside. Believe me, what is being forecasted for next week doesn't even come close to what was around during the late 70s and early to mid 80s I can recall working on a site near Bristol, in early Jan 82 and only being able to work outside for about 20 minutes at a time before we had to get back indoors and warm up. Our 7. 5 ton lorry's had external diesel tanks which were freezing up.
  20. Water run off from fields adjacent to the carriageway is very likely to be a serious problem during the next week or so . Roads will be transformed into skid pans. I bet the spivs at the energy companies are rubbing their hands together in glee as well.
  21. After having to spend 20 minutes this afternoons trying to shore up my fence, I can safely say that High Pressure can't come soon enough. I've had a belly full of this useless garbage.
  22. If it's dry , it can be as tedious as it likes as far as I'm concerned. This rain is now beyond a joke.
  23. Could'nt give a stuff about snow, but going by the M.O 's update for frosty weather, another load of logs might be a good shout. they'll always keep for next year anyway. Once the penny drops , people will be clamouring for them.
  24. Down here in Shepton we have escaped any rain so far today. God knows we've had enough of the s..ite this year though.
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