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Everything posted by Delka

  1. just went mental with hail in Wellingborough for 15 minutes,looks like snow
  2. Down to -1.7c overnight, currently near wall to wall sunshine and 9.9c, think that “cold wind” everyone’s talking about had decided to leave dereham out again today, only a slight breeze and i wouldn’t say it’s a cold one either, very pleasant spring day yet again! long may this weather continue
  3. not really a cold wind here, bit breezy but still pleasant in the sun
  4. Lovely day so far, 15c no breeze at all in Dereham.. heading to Hunstanton today where i expect it’ll feel a bit cooler by the sea but hopefully not too much difference
  5. stopped now but went from 7.7c to 1.4c in fifteen minutes when it was snowing. risen back up to 3c now IMG_7479.MP4
  6. 1.4c with little snowflakes blowing about in the wind, not even enough to make it to the ground
  7. 22.8c tuesday & 23.2c yesterday but only just pushed 10c today so feeling quite chilly compared to the last couple days already.. not looking forward to anything colder or possibly snowy anymore now i’ve had a taste of summer!
  8. pea sized hail shower, bit windy but nothing like it has been at times this past week
  9. pretty much the same here to how Blazerblue just put it, low of -1.9c and up to -0.7c now so feeling a bit chilly. absolutely loving the mild weather we’ve been having, yesterday’s 11.7c felt blissful sitting in the sun with no breeze at all
  10. after the warm sunshine yesterday i definitely wasn’t expecting to wake up to a slight frost this morning, but i did.. dropped down to 0.1c but now on a rise to hopefully another sunny mild day
  11. breezy and starting to cloud over but currently 17c, feels like summer today!
  12. It’s been jumper weather here for days, ive been making the most of it by going on walks and i’ve totalled just over 30 miles since saturday morning feels very spring like, absolutely love it
  13. normally a huge coldie here, but this time around i hope it doesn’t come again! been plenty of cold and snow here this year already and the taste of warmer weather is very appealing now. don’t think i remember a winter where i’ve been satisfied with the depth of cold and amount of days of snow for years, roll on those first early 20c days in spring!
  14. Still several inches of snow in our garden despite a thaw, impressed it’ll be a week tonight since it first started settling
  15. will be glad to see the back of the cold now. very happy with the past week of actual winter but it’s a nuisance now with the ice everywhere! 10c+ this coming week will feel tropical after the walks ive had the past couple days
  16. Be interesting to see how cold it gets again tonight with -8c and -7c the last couple nights here
  17. Wow it’s cold! Went on a walk and it’s -2.5c with dp -7.8c, absolutely bitter
  18. -7.2c last night so not quite as cold as last night but still our second coldest in a very long time! another ice day possible today
  19. This really is something else here, there’s over a foot of snow on the car! will get out and get a close photo for proof in a bit otherwise i won’t believe myself in years to come
  20. Heavy snow shower with big fluffy flakes, i imagine this alone will easily put another 1-2cm onto our total at theyre proper feather flakes coming down fast
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