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Everything posted by Donna3397

  1. He did try and apologise and we all have our off days and you might not of deserved it but we’re all human and say things we shouldn’t (trust me my mouth runs away quicker than my brain engages all the time) I love this forum and really don’t like seeing people argue we leave that to the crazy, sweet mod thread . Snow is always hard to hold on to where ever you are. Please can we all just go back to being polite to people there is a lot worse crap going on in this world, It’s aimed and everyone not just you Mr @Nqp15hhu
  2. @snowrye he said it was absolutely awful, cars were sliding in to him and he tried to help a few people but said it was really bad, he got to Lamberhurst roundabout and came home. It took him 3 and a half hours.
  3. My husband left for work at around 8 he was on the A21 he said there were people in the ditches and trees down, from the Lamberhurst roundabout was shut. He arrived home at 23,30. I hope they are a safe I feel for them.
  4. Thank you @Nick F that’s really helpful, do you think that that temperature might drop away over night?? P.s do you think this bubble of snow is even moving at all it seems very slow on the radar
  5. He’s home thank goodness but I still feel very aware of the people who are stuck. Its snowing very hard here, it’s not laying at all, I think all the rain we’ve had has helped stop that, it’s settling on cars and roofs though. Does anyone happen to have the dew point for Rye, I can’t seem to find a accurate one or an accurate temperature. What do I need to do to get the snow to lay???
  6. Ok, I have spent the last few hours on the phone to my husband who was in his way to work. He has had to turn around and come home, he said the roads are in a complete mess, even major roads. The A21 is shut and there are people and cars all over the place in ditches. My husband doesn’t scare at much he’s a paratrooper so I know it’s pretty bad out there. Did the forecasters not know this was coming???? I don’t care about the snow now, all i want is my husband home safe.
  7. Shall I tell you what else has annoyed me, the advert on the top of this forum is of an UMBRELLA What did I say the other night about the only place in the splodge in the uk with no snow.
  8. Gues what ??? It’s absolou chucking it down with rain here STILL, it’s been all day with no let up what so ever. My husband has left for work on the M4, he has driven about ten miles and is now stuck on the A21 in traffic due to the heavy snow. How can we keep missing all this lovely weather??? It’s frustrating. The band looks like it’s moving closer to us but it will end up just raining here, I can hear it now slamming against the windows like it’s trying to make me angry on purpose. If anyone ANYONE thinks I might gets some snow, a flake even please let me know. It’s been raining none stop her since around 3 am this morning.
  9. It’s been raining here quite heavily for about seven or so hours, all the snow has gone now
  10. What an awful start to the morning, even though I knew we were in for a big chance of rain after the snow it was still a shock to wake up to find torrential rain which still hasn’t stopped. I don’t mind seeing the rain, we haven’t had rain for some time but it does sting to know that my garden was covered in thick snow last night and now it’s all gone. It’s so overcast here it’s making it very dark. I’m not sure what the rest of winter holds and there are always chances of more snow (look at last year). The weather will do what it wants how much we try to bend it to our will I do love snow and get very excited to see it but at the same time I’m quite ready for some warmth. I like seeing he sun, opening up my french doors and sitting out in the garden till late.
  11. Thank you I appreciate that. I only said that because it’s the truth, there are a lot of people on here that say lots of things, if I’m looking through posts your one of the posters I look for straight away, I know that your pretty good at what you do.
  12. Thank you for asking that I’m so confused about what is going on
  13. Thank you so much. Can I ask another question??? Your one of my favourite posters in here. People are talking about this blob of snow stalling?? Has the blob pivoted like they said ? I’ve been trying to keep us so much but it’s so hard
  14. can someone please tell me if it’s going to pivot and stall or the blob will just head north ?
  15. when is the weather front going to stall??? I’ve just heard that that’s going to happen
  16. Snow is really settling now on paths and grass, some big flakes more small. I’ve worked out met office radar seems spot on for me
  17. I am confused . All the radars I’m looking at are different, netweather tell me it’s all nearly over. Met office tells me it hasn’t really begun and another is all over the place. Can anyone explain that to me please @Steve Murr @kold weather which is the closest???
  18. Started to do some snizzle here in Rye. It’s coming down quite fat tho
  19. @Steve Murr I’m forecast for light rain after the snow finishes, (bbc)I can only see - few hit and miss showers, do you think we might expect rain after the snow has pushed through and what will it likely do to all the snow
  20. The clouds are beginning to fill the sky now. We had a light snow shower earlier around 10am i keep seeing rain about after the snow has moved through and I’m just wondering how much damage this might do to our snow, I’m also really worried because my husband is working on the M4 tonight and I’m worried about how cold he will be and his safety when travelling. P.s I really don’t want to take the kids to school in the morning. If this snow does arrive and it leaves us with a lovely amount the kids/adults can enjoy some fun time, these snow events stay in people’s memories. I have pictures of my dog on the main road which is full of snow and drifts and I always remember that snow we had.
  21. The temperature here this morning was -5 that is a lot lot colder than bbc had forecast. I’m hoping that men’s were in for a good shot later
  22. Woke to absolutely nothing this morning but that didn’t surprise me. I went out for a run this morning, it was beautiful but only managed a mile and a half because it was just so slippery everywhere and that was even on a different route picked due to the risk on ice . It has been nice to see the sun today and I don’t mind it cold to be honest
  23. As your probably all aware I’m right on the coast I’ve heard that it’s dropped south tomorrow is that better for me???
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