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Everything posted by TJS1998Tom

  1. Not my photo but I found this on Facebook, very impressive shot, wonder if red sprites could've been possible https://www.facebook.com/groups/143520235831162/permalink/2436784213171408/
  2. Not 100% convinced that Wales storm will make it far but guess time will tell I do wonder though if the cooler temperatures will keep storms going till early hours with the warning being on till midnight
  3. I remember reading that Lincolnshire was always named a hot spot for storms, particularly home grown storms though not sure the reasons behind it
  4. Saw a few flashes from work and deep rumbles, feels more humid again now though
  5. Certain the temperature has gone up or feels more humid the past 30 minutes, not sure if its to do with the storm near Skegness as I read the other year the temp went up by 10c when a storm passed for a short time
  6. Clear skies showing now but still warm. Suspect thats it now but forecast suggesting chances for tomorrow
  7. What do you reckon chances are for tonight or do you think the main two today is where Most of the activity is happening
  8. Wish this storm happened 2 hours later when I finish work. Can see Flashes of lightning
  9. Wishing that storm neat Boston was 50 miles further north. Hoping there's still chances later
  10. Not looking convincing for storms here. Most seem up north or down south
  11. Imagine if that storm was at night. 400 a minute is crazy
  12. Wonder if that storm is heading Lincoln way. At work so won't get a best view of it
  13. Just a shame still its September and this is likely to be our last chance of a widespread storm scenario this year
  14. I'll assume that storm over Selby is the last chance for one tonight but still, tomorrow is another day
  15. Bright lightning flashes in Lincoln from that selby storm
  16. Friend of mine seeing bright flashes of lightning in Selby
  17. Yeah I notice that now, thought it was heading more east looking on lightning maps
  18. Ah nvm then, I was just judging it based on the lightning track, looking at that reminds me of a storm years ago which wasnt in a forecast but 400 strikes a minute was tracked over Plymouth way, think it might've been May 2014
  19. Just annoyed that tomorrow looks to be a great chance for storms yet I'll be at work between 12pm and 6pm but do have a window where I could watch it from at least just not a great view, forecasts suggests storms for Monday potentially
  20. Looks like that storm in the channel could be heading towards London way if it keeps it up and not die before reaching uk
  21. If it makes it to UK I reckon some will be in for a pretty decent display
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